this is just how i need to externalize the internal, been in rock bands as a lead singer, may be in one right now...who can really say. Anywaste, this is the music i come up with on my own in my little home studio. I play all the instruments myself ( i try to be more creative than technical, mostly 'cause i have no choice) and although i prefer instrumentation, i'm obviously not opposed to throwing in some midi for driving loops or recreating symphony instruments i just can't play or even have access to. I also write and produce for a couple other projects...In a Cave and Plethoric Life, check em out, why the !*^ not. So enjoy the music, enjoy freedom, and enjoy life before it leaves.........and now for some unwanted adverti-zing; retro layout @ Unique MySpace Layouts - Movie Layouts - Music Layouts - More MySpace Layouts! - MySpace Tools