Toby profile picture


Yippie, it's SPRING!

About Me

Well, I am a dog. I'm not very good at reading or typing so I'll have my Mom help me out with this thing. I am a purebred Shih Tzu. I am about 14 inches tall and weigh around 15 pounds. You might say I am a bit on the chunky side, but at least it's all bought and paid for!
I am 8 years old in human years. I love long walks in the park, going for bub bye rides in the car and my favorite color is yellow. I also love to sleep, infact I love it so much I sleep for about 15-20 hours a day.
My Mom and Dad adopted me in October of 2005 from a nice lady at a rescue shelter and boy was I ever glad to get a new forever home..... those other dogs and puppies we're driving me nuts and eating all of the snacks!
Mom made me a profile because she is the biggest dog lover in the whole wide world. She really has a big heart for shelter dogs like me and someday soon when we move into a bigger place, Mom's gonna start fostering, so I'll have lots of buddies to play with! I can't wait!
Create your own friendquiz here
MySpace Layouts from

My Interests

Chewy Bones, squeaky toys, tug-o-war, napping, long walks in the park, sniffing stuff, snacks, people food, treats, getting frisky, giving kisses, making funny monkey noises, barking at strangers, watching hockey games with Dad, and going for bub bye rides.

I'd like to meet:

I just love making new pals, big and small, scruffy or cute. So if you're a dog and need a friend, I'm the guy to add!
I don't accept friend requests from humans if you're not a friend of Mommys or a relative, sorry.

Join my Mom's SOOPER DAWG CONTEST site! It's the coolest contest site for dogs around!(just click on the picture)

More cool stuff at!



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Anything with a good beat that I can wag my tail to and isn't so loud that it makes me howl. I really love the song, "Bad to the Bone."

MySpace Layouts


Best in Show, Good Boy, Beethoven, Milo and Otis, Old Yeller, Homeward Bound, All Dogs go to Heaven, Lady and The Tramp, Dr. Doolittle, Racing Stripes, Air Bud, Bambi, Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles, Must Love Dogs, Hurner and Hooch, Muppets Take Manhattan, The Jungle Book, The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Sharktale, Shreik, Little Nicky, A Bug's Life, and Napolean Dynamite because of the funny part when Uncle Rico throws the steak.....and because that movie makes my Mom and Dad giggle.


America's Funniest Animals


My Mom and Dad. They are the top 2 on my friends list. Their names are Nick and Polly.

My Blog

Cleaning up my friend list

I'm going to be deleting "friends" who never talk to me or comment or anything. Even though me and Mom love all animals and we totally think everyone is cute cute cute, we'd like to just have real fri...
Posted by Toby on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 12:34:00 PST

Dog Survey

What's your name?TobyHow did you get your name? Well for a long time my Mom didn't know because I was adopted from a rescue shelter but my previous owner got a hold of her to see how I am doing and sh...
Posted by Toby on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 11:22:00 PST

Easter Love

I am so excited! I just got a package from da mail man and oh boy oh boy, guess what it was?! It was an Easter package from my girlfriend, Bugsy Boo! She sent lots of treats and chewy things and ...
Posted by Toby on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 11:22:00 PST

Top 10

I found this posted on my friend Noodle's page. It was soooo funny to me and Mom (and partly true) so I thought I'd post it and share with you! Top Ten Signs You Spoil Your Dog: 1. You think begging...
Posted by Toby on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 12:14:00 PST

Tagged AGAIN!!!

I've been tagged again, this time by CHIPPER and DAISY!!!Here's how the game goes......The first player of this game starts with the five weird habits or things about yourself. People/Animals who...
Posted by Toby on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 04:42:00 PST

2 more wins!

Thanks again to all of my friends for voting for me. I won 1st place in the SUPERSTAR pose contest and 3rd place in a CUTEST SMILE contest. I'm feeling awfully darn special this week!!! Mom's gonna ta...
Posted by Toby on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 03:33:00 PST

I won! YAY!!!!!

Thanks to everyone who voted for me! I won the BEST BATH PIC contest! (It's my first contest win, so I'm really excited and my tail wont stop waggin!)...
Posted by Toby on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 12:50:00 PST

Toby's Christmas Dance

Hello friends! Just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!! I hope Santa Paws brings you lots of yummy goodies and toys to squeak and rip apart! I also pray that the Chris...
Posted by Toby on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 10:14:00 PST

Tagged (repost)

I've been Tagged by Boris, Pud, Puppy & Milly......this requires me to write 6 weird things I do and tag 5 other Friends!   1. When my humans come home I basically jump off the walls with exc...
Posted by Toby on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 09:56:00 PST


It's a GREAT day! It's my birthday and I love everything. I love my new stuff. I love cake. I love chicken. I love my Mom & Dad! Here are some pictures! (I didn't smile for most of them thoug...
Posted by Toby on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 03:13:00 PST