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About Me

This space is just to update friends and family about publishing, traveling, moving, and other assorted whatnot.
Latest Publications: Poems upcoming in:
The Denver Quarterly
Pebble Lake Review
Three poems up at Mipoesias .
The poem Whee! in 42opus
The poem Conventional in Noo JournalAlso check out the new journal I am co-editing, 21Stars .

My Interests

Writing, reading, walking, yoga, knitting, reading poetry blogs & online literary journals, photography, my cat, my husband's hair, sandals, thick and creamy paper, yogurt, food politics, camping, ice cream, baking, not working, not driving (i hate driving), bicycles, old forests, decaying rural houses, ruralness, living in places where you can't see your neighbors, dudley moore, really stupid blockbuster movies, little movies, horror films

I'd like to meet:

Morrissey circa 1986. Dudley Moore circa 1978. Lord Byron circa whenever the hell he was alive.Tim Buckley Too:
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Old School Tori (before songs about driving saabs & lovin' her kid), The Smiths, The Smiths, The Smiths, Morrissey, Interpol, Devendra Banhart, Innocence Mission, Ladytron, Boards of Canada, Joy Division, The Cure, Rufus Wainwright, Sun Kil Moon, PJ Harvey, Regina Spektor, Sufjan Stevens, jens leckman, cocteau twins, slowdive, the decembrists, joy electric, starflyer 59, suzanne vega, kate bush, red house painters, belly, kristin hersh, mount sims, massive attack, neutral milk hotel, ryan adams, hole, the cure, belly, the faint, the dresden dolls, tool,


sid and nancy, trainspotting, pride and prejudice, lawrence of arabia, sense and sensibility, his girl friday, aresenic and old lace, punch drunk love, brazil, the life of brian, monty python's the meaning of life


sucks, except for America's Next Top Model, which makes me happy.


New York School poetry, Avant-Garde poetry, Italo Calvino, Borges, Marilyn Robinson, Arthur Sze, Paul Hoover, Amy Gerstler, Nabokov, Henry James, John Ashbery, Thomas Hardy, George Eliot, the bronte sisters, Joyce Carol Oates, cheesy gothic writing, james tate, robert browning, wallace stevens, gertrude stein, ron silliman, lyn hejinian, frank o'hara, rae armantrout, gilbert sorrentino, alice munro

My Blog

totally superfluous update

I am so tired, and Tuesday is my worst day of all. I wasting time even posting this. I did want to show you all a poem that I like, though: Hour of Lucid Vegetation by Christian HawkeyAudiovisual sky,...
Posted by Letitia on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 07:24:00 PST

Ocho & mipo audio

I have a poem in audio at Mipo. It's called "I didn't expect to see you here again." Ocho #7 is out.
Posted by Letitia on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 07:26:00 PST

Free Adorable Chapbooks for all! (or at least fifty of you)

My good friend and co-editor Chris Wells has a new chapbook out from Amanda Laughtland, editor of The Teeny Tiny & maker of wonderful little books & booklets.   Anyways, Chris' chapbook ...
Posted by Letitia on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 08:29:00 PST

The second issue of 21 Stars Review (reposted, cause I can't type!)

Since I'm a dork & can't type, I'm posting this 21 Stars announcement again with the corrected address: The second issue of 21 Stars Review (http://sundress.net/21stars) is live! Featuring work ...
Posted by Letitia on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 08:51:00 PST


I have three poems up at Mipoesias. Zach comes home tonight!!!
Posted by Letitia on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 09:12:00 PST

Issue .1 of 21 Stars Review

Hey All! Issue #1 of 21 Stars Review is live today: http://sundress.net/21stars With contributions from Shane Allison, Aaron Anstett, Ismael Ricardo Archbold, Lindsay Bell, Curtis Bonney, Louis E. Bou...
Posted by Letitia on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 05:09:00 PST

Not a poetry blog, but a blog blog. Blog blog blog!

Tomorrow morning I'm gonna do my second poetry post. I think you guys will like it-- I"ll focus on dreamy/surreal poems. They'll be short and sweet and weird. Just how I like 'em. I've been read...
Posted by Letitia on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 08:14:00 PST

First poetry bulletin posting

Poem [The eager note on my door] by Frank O'hara   The eager note on my door said "Call me,"call when you get in!" so I quickly threwa few tangerines into my overnight bag,straightened ...
Posted by Letitia on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 02:25:00 PST

New Poetry Publication

Hey all, I have a poem in the new issue of Noo Journal: http://www.noojournal.com/four.htm. Go support a very cool (& very free) journal.  ...
Posted by Letitia on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 05:30:00 PST