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About Me

Whats up myspace. Just to share a lil about me, first I love God more than anything in the world. When I was 17 yrs old I was convicted of 2 felony robberies along with 4 other people. They told me they would give me 35 yrs if I did not go to trial and if I went to trial I would get more. I told God if he got me out of this He could have my life and I would dedicate myself and everything I will ever have to him. He said ok. After sitting in jail for 17-1/2 months they broke and decided to give me 5 yrs. I spent 3 yrs 8 months in Texas Prison. I look at it like I was in bible school cause I spent literally hrs everyday in my Bible and reading spiritual books. I got out in 2001 and ever since then I have been sharing my testimony to any young person who will listen. I am married to the finest women in Dallas, Dana Hemphill. She is my wife, my girlfriend and my chick on the side. She is all I need and want. She can sing the roof off a building and most of all is anointed and will lead you into the holy of holies.....My life mission is to share my testimony all over this world to young people. Young people, you are a jewel in the eyesite of God and the Devil is hatin on you. His desire is to trick you into believing that there is more in the world then in Christ. Christ has all we need and I know from experience that the Devil is a lier and a deceiver too. Young people help me declare war on the enemy.....THE DEVIL IS ALREADY DEFEATED.....On the local level I am a member of Victory Temple COGIC where I am an associate minister on the youth staff. On a state level I serve the General Board Member Bishop J. Neaul Haynes and the Texas NE 1 Youth Dept. under President Andrew Jackson and Chairlady Joyce Rodgers. You can reach me at [email protected] for speaking engagements.

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Yes Lord Radio: Showcase, Fellowship & Inspire

My Blog

Marriage Is A Ministry 2. Dallas, TX

Are you married, engaged, dating, single and one day want to be married then this free one day conference is for you. We will have anointed experienced speakers, food, fun and fellowship. Dont miss it...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 19:32:00 GMT


Lewis H. Hemphill Jr. is the founder of P.R.I.M.E. MINISTRIES. He is a young minister with a global mission, which is to Prepare Ripe Individuals through Ministry & Education. He believes that you...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 07:57:00 GMT

If It Cost My Life

If It Cost My Life.... Lewis H. Hemphill Jr. For some unexplainable reason I just don't know how, Even if I succeeded in my hours of rest it's all in vain if I'm woke r...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 13:53:00 GMT

When I Think of Love.......

When I Think Of You&. By: Lewis H. Hemphill Jr. When I think of you, you remind me of the bright orange sky in Hawaii at 5am in the morning. When I think of you, you remind me of a gondola ri...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 13:51:00 GMT