I like everything, well not everything, but almost!
Real people, there are too many fake ass people out there
Rap, R&B, etc. You know all the good shit! I love Outkast.
The Usual Suspects, Love & Basketball, Friday, Goodfellas I dunno there are too many!
I love court TV. Forensic File, Trace Evidence, and all those shows! Oh yeah cant forget Flava of Love!!!
My parents, and everyone who has helped me thru all the bad times in my life. There are too many people I admire for too many resons to put them all, but they should all know who they are!! I will have to say one of their names cause I look up to this person and she has always been there to see me thru the bad times in my life. I know you know Im talkin bout you, cause I let you know how strong you are everyday. I love you girl and thank you for everything, Dawn.