Downcast Eyes
Is it shyness, indifference, or guilt
that turns your eyes
from meeting others?
Does it matter in the big picture
if we do not make contact
with strangers?
Time is our own,
our space is our own -
why risk being vulnerable;
why let others
enter our world?
And then the magic moment comes
when you realize
that it is not destiny,
but free will,
that makes our life rich with experience.
When we let another enter our world,
even for the fleeting moment
of a smile,
of a glance, that says,
"I acknowledge your existence,"
we create a spark of energy
a subtle affirmation of unity,
a step towards peace.
Looks do not have to be predatory -
they can be an act of blessing.
We fear our desire
to possess
and be possessed.
In the act of recogni
one already has all,
without possessing.
It is so hard
to love without desire,
to appreciate without coveting.
How would our world become
if everyone met
in a confident and joyful greeting
rather than with downcast eyes?
© 2000 Richard Sidy
Feeling good
is what counts –
the lifeline that lifts
up, up, up –
careful not to sink
in tides of the dissatisfied,
the disillusioned,
the angry –
step on heads
that think,
poke at eyes
that see,
pull up,
against the surge
of progress,
out of the undertow
of questions,
out of whirlpools
of diversity,
out of the ocean
of freedom;
float –
in inflated boats
of certainty,
float –
upon the waves,
from suffering,
from dissent,
from inferiority,
float, float, float.
© 2005 Richard Sidy