Mary profile picture


Randy Rainbow!

About Me

Helllllooooo there!
Right, about me?.....where to start.......well thats me in the picture *states obvious incase your retarded*, aaarrgg! I hate this whole describe myself thing *mumbles angrily to self*.....O.K lets start again!.
Little about me, I'm a bit crazy and get hyper to easy lol (you'll probably tell from reading further). I Recently got my hair cut short and dyed Black with Pink streaks and I love it (update) o.k so now it's just black but it will return lol, what about you?? Yeah....Anyway my natural hair colour is some silly plain brown colour along with my eye's blah dee blah dee blah. O.K enough about the hair what do i do now.....oh yeah carry on with the whole describing thing "pfft!" I'm 5"8" medium build, I have size 7 feet, all 8 fingers and 2 thumbs, a full 2 feet of toes a bunch of fully functioning organs and limbs and anything else I've missed on the typical female's body......enough detail?!?!
This Band fucking rules everyone visit their sites, I've watched them play live and damn their good!! The drummers sexy too :P The links below go seeee lol......

My Interests

Food me loves food, Ooooo Drink me loves drink lol and Partying! Oh and I absolutley luuurrrvvv art (I'd like to think I'm half decent at it), I like acting too (ok maybe just being a camp drama queen) I'm filled with creativity :D, I love motor bikes aswell I'm gunna get lessons soon ,hopefully, then I'm gunna ride a BIG bike :D "cool biker chick" wooooo!. I love music and oooo I run sometimes lol and erm sometimes I go Inline Skating tis coolio!......errrm......oh and talking on that was a boreing one.....meh i give up! I can't think of any off the top of my head!

I'd like to meet:

I'd Like To Meet......Pink, even though I've seen her perform, I'd like to go out and have a drink with her :D I like meeting funny people and people that like me for being a nutty moo lol.


My Favourite bands at the mo are System Of A Down, Tool, Soundgarden their the only ones I can think of coz their what I'm listening to now, and never forget PINK!! Also I like a wide collection of music, mainly modern Rock and Punk, Classical (old and new), the occasional bit of charts, Pop and a sprinkle of catchy feel good Dance and Trance!


Movies are good when I get time to watch them, comedys are brilliant, I like laughingand being silly.......MONTY PYTHON HeeHee...... Anchor man (GO BRICK!), most the Adam Sandler films, Lee Evans' tour in Cardiff )that makes me cry with laughter), HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Psycological Thriller are cool like Butterfly Effect or films that make you jump!....gory's cool but I'm not squeemish so it doesn't bother me.


Mainly Comedy's, I looooove my comedy's ranging from dumb humour to dry humour, some classics; Gimme Gimme Gimme, Red Dwarf, Monty Python. Ooooooo some of my recent favourites; Little Britain, a bit of Catherine Tate Show, I love Jimmy Carr he's so raw! Oh and Lee Evans he cracks me up! Oh yeah when I'm Watching comedy's I'm watching the occasional Animal or a Geo Documentary I know I'm sooo sad, believe it or not when I'm not being stupid and immature I like to exersise my brain, it's a good job I barely have time to watch T.V anymore.


I don't know if I'm proud or ashamed that I haven't read many books, out of those i have my favourites were; The Da Vinci Code, The Alchemist and all the Harry Potter Books Woooooo! Lol


Pink I love her Rebellious attitude....her latest song "Stupid Girls" tops her off....eeerm ppl not famous oh my brothers firstly! Me loves them to Bits Peter, Martin and John. Lets not forget Peter and Ange they've done so much for me and oh lil Sheridan my lil sister aswell alan if it weren't for you I wouldn't of had the support I needed in October '05' and lastly but not leastly ALL my friends I love them so much, even more now I moved to London I'd name you all but then the list would go on for ever!

My Blog

New hair!

Right, well the pink faded out (obviously) so It was advised i get a stronger more perminant now im purple and black :D!!, I will get a picture up soon!...
Posted by Mary on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 03:55:00 PST

First boreing blog (I swear the rest will be better!)

Wooo, my first blog .......well I eventually made a my space account and got my hair cut and dyed pink and black, loves it! Nothing much to report on today Arg been phoned to turn in for work at ...
Posted by Mary on Sat, 20 May 2006 05:04:00 PST