I don't like the drugs but there moms love me. I can't shoot it in my arms but you'll cut until it bleeds. Let me tell you one more story and I'll untie you for a week. I'd fuck you till your sore but give me one more moment please. Kill the omegas of corporate America while the blue pigs fly by your mothers window to fuck her babies. Hi, Bye, I Die
You are my SpYdR special
Which Illicit Drug Are You?YOU ARE MAGIC MUSHROOMS...
Nicknames: Shrooms, mushies, liberty cap, magics, liberties, fungus.
You have a very imaginative mind and are a real daydreamer. Most things can go right past you and not even bother you. You're too wrapped up in your own world to notice, and thats a good thing. Most people lose their imagination at a young age, but not you. Your dreams and fantasies are what get you throught the day. You tend to get bored with every day routines and always now that there is something bigger and better waiting for you. Don't pay any attention to those people trying to tell you otherwise. As long as you believe you are meant for greater things, who cares what other people think? You're too wrapped up in you to give a shit. You also can pretty much enjoy yourself wherever you are. Even if your in a boring class or laying in bed and can't fall asleep. All you have to do is imagine your somewhere else and everything will be more entertaining for you. The bad thing is you might not be very practical and sometimes you live for the future and not so much for the moment. If I had to guess, I would say you are some type of artist, not limited to painting and drawing. Maybe writing or theater?
What attracts you to shrooms: This drug would be easy for you to fall in love with because it has the ability to make your dream world come to life. People who take this drug often hallucinate and see things that they wouldn't normally see. This is fun for you because thats what you spend most of your time doing and hoping for. The unexplained and shrooms my dear, will get you just that. You can be sitting in an empty room, staring at the wall and be having the time of your life from all the pretty colors and beautiful pictures that your mind finally allows you to see and not just imagine. Bad thing is when you have a bad trip. You need to make sure you are in a comfortable place for you and if around people be around people you like. Bad trips are like a bad dream only this time, you wont be able to just wake up from it.
Magic mushrooms are hallucinogenic. Effects are similar to a mild dose of LSD and can vary greatly depending on mood and situation of the user.EuphoriaHilarityConfidenceGreater awareness of sight and soundThe comedown: There is no significant withdrawal or comedown of mushrooms. Dangers/Risks Severe psychological distress, fear, panic, anxiety, paranoia (a bad trip).
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