My name is Ryan.
Layout by CoolChaser
Anyone real.
Hellshock, Die Young, Iskra, This Time Tomorrow, Stormcrow, Kingdom, Sanctum, Gather, Dystopia, Risen, Phobia, Cherem, Aus Rotten, Left With Nothing, His Hero Is Gone, Cursed, Artimus Pyle, 7 Generations, Age, Unholy Grave, Resist And Exist, It Dies Today, Desolation, Against Empire, Amebix, Brainoil, Poulation Reduction, Resistant Culture, Detestation, Assuk, and too many more to mention
The Notebook
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel,Firefly, Bones
Anything by Nicholas Sparks.
I don't have heros, I'm too busy being one for my son