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Panama's FAVORITE is Back----Now where did my drink GO!!!!?img src=

About Me

Click here to get your free text scroller.Live in Miami--- - New To Cali (California)..and about to Tour California for a while-- YET--- some OF MY FAVORITE PEOPLE around Chicago and surroundin' Midwest areas area-- wanted to spend my LIL BIRTHDAY WITH ME this year. (check out a few Chicago pics I just took below).-- WHich I've Flown out .. (Picked me up in a 2007 escalade--since then non- stop Love all around-'(not that I'm about people's vehicles or what they can or can't do for me or what they can do for THEMselves-- Just how one's actions/reactions are involved while dealing or around me-- just a reality I thought I'd share..cause this goes for Loved ones,family, friends, lovas, booty calls or whateva.. LoL... SOOO, Respect is key..If you know me, ya know there's no way your showing me respect if your disrespecting yourself to an point or disrespecting people I either or associate myself with for whatever reason (everybody ain't a suppa model- or "Choice"- or even want to be bothered with you as if your perfect!!... So, show some respect to whom ever I know or even have on this page.. (because It doesn't take much for anybody to become a friend- but to stay one might take a lil work.. So, just show respect to anyone here or that I might know-or hell,even have done-or doing work for).A BIG CHANGE with me happens to be people I associate with-- although I haven't LOST love for Any People I've HAD love for-- I see that I needed an change of pace so I've CUT ALOT OF "Hang time" with continual people I've hung with before... Matter in fact I have an word of advice for others that MAY need to also: May This encourage you always... (I`m an encourager)Don`t spend major time with minor people.IF there are people in your life that continually disappoint you, break promises, stomp on your dreams, are too judgemental, and have different values and don`t help you during difficult times... this isn`t a friend.To have a friend, is also for you to be a friend.Someteimse in life as you grow, your friends will either grow or go.Surround yourself with people who reflect the values, goals interests and lifestyle that you cherish.When I think of any of my successes, I am thankful to God from whom all blessings flow, and to my family and friends who enrich my life.Over the years my phone book has changed because I changed for the better.At first you think you`re going to be alone, but after a while new people show up in your life that make your life sooo much sweeter and easier to endure.Remember what your elders used to say, "Birds of a feather flock together".If you`re an eagle, don`t hang around chickens: CHICKENS CAN"T FLY!!!!I love the Lord and thank him for all that he does in my life, therefore, I"M hoping you take this message with ya in ya heart..Yes I love Jesus.. He is my source of existense and Savior. He keeps me functioning each and everyday. Without him, I will be nothing.Without Him, I am nothing but with Him I can do ALL things. Phil 4:13Be PositiveBE ProgressiveTake the time out to make a positive Difference in SOMEONE`s life...Or be open enough to let me know you to be the inspiration in yours-- who ever you may be-- no matter what you`ve done.. I don`t worry about someone hating me for being me--yet I wouldn`t be able to stand for someone to Love me while thinking I`m somebody else...Keep it real my Peeps-- and lets get thru this togeather if need be

My Interests

Possibilities are ENDLESS!!! (is this ok to have even wrote this?)oh, and Dancing, Socializing, FISHING, swimming, hanging out, Money Making, Exercising, I have lots of interests! Hell, isn't that an one on one type of conversation anyway- no matter how you'd know me?

I'd like to meet:

when I die- I don't want to JUST meet GOD.. I want to continually walk and talk with him. (oh and live with him too.. he he).... Don't YOU?!?!..I'd like to meet while I'm Alive..... hmmmmmmmmm... I've been in the producing bussiness,Marketing bussiness, entertainment bussiness, modeling bussiness (when I was younger) , live television bussiness--- so, I've Met SOO many people already-- I don't think I have an idea of an famous person you'd know that I'd JUST W A N T to meet....OH, I'd like to KEEP the love of my life that would WANT to stick around forever!... (just to be honest!!)... oh yea, and I'd like to meet a few homies and friends that I can inspire and that can hang for no reason at all... JUST because!!! (IF YOU CAN EVEN FEEL THAT!!!)
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Fight CLub, Kung Fu Hustle, Party Monster, SawII was pretty good.. All the Matix movies was OK.. Kill Bill II was iight, Kings Randsom I could watch and giggle at each time,Crash is the only movie in my life that almost made me cry (damn, did I admit that!!!!),Star wars III was watchable and Ironic (even though we KNEW the outcome decades before that movie was evented-- crazy huh?), ScarFace and Carlito's Way are classics, bla bla bla-- are we suppose to include Porn also?!.. he he.. JUST KIDDING (I don't watch porn at all-- Although I might show it to others if that's the thing they are into-- wierd huh-- ok- I must be getting sleepy writing all this so I'll stop


JAE JAE JAE JAE JAE JAE JAE JAE JAE Click here to get Falling Objects JAE JAE JAE JAE JAE JAE JAE JAE JAE JAE JAE JAE JAE JAE JAE Not TOO big on Sitcoms-- Still a fan of the OLD Jerry Springer shows-- ummmm... I think Desperate House Wives can be intertaining.. the Asian show that shows contests is a favorite along with the Live Fighting show (I forget the name of it too.. he he)... AHHHH.. who has time for TV anyway-- unless your snuggled up with the one you'd want to pass time with-- then who cares-- watch something together with them!!-- who cares what's REALLY on!!


I've Read MANY THRU my Life time... Can't say I have a favorite at the time-- name a topic and I may be able to suggest a great BOOK!!... (now just about every book is online, in a movie, or on tape...


Number one (#1) G O D!!!! Rules!

My Blog

Have you made the CHanges in your life you feel (or felt before) neccessary to Make?

First person out of my generation that has died in my HUGE Family!!..Out of 12 Aunts and 2 uncles (which are still living) there are HUNDREDS of Cousins and their children (and some of them have child...
Posted by Mason on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 04:27:00 PST

Lovin' LIFE-- Can't YOU GET Understand!!!

Whuuuut Up Its yo boi Jae !! how do I start this bad boi well.....First Off I dont give a FUCK what you do for a living, How much money you make, and how many famous people you know, and what kind of...
Posted by Mason on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 11:01:00 PST

I'm not like this- BUT wouldn't your Booty Calls work SOO much better w/ "MASON Pre-BOotY call"

ยง The Pre-Booty Call Agreement  This official pre-booty call agreement (herein after referred to as"The Agreement") is entered into on this _____ day of __________, 2006,  by _____...
Posted by Mason on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 09:17:00 PST