Timmie profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

I am a Professional bassist/ composer/ producer, and I really love meeting new people, especially musicians! I am a Christian who is very active in ministry at my church and with my new group "City Praise" which will soon be recording its first CD......I am married (13 yrs) to a wonderful young lady I met while on the road in Florida with another band! We have 3 children who are all active and musically inclined in some way or other..... lol My brothers are also recording with me on a project I've been workin on for a minute.... hopefully will finish that one soon! I am also a Berklee alum, who is very proud of what I was able to accomplish while there, and also of the friends I made and remain in contact with. Check out my company's site at latterrain1 on myspace to see some of them.

My Interests

People. Folks. Friends. Working at my church, God's City of Refuge. Motorcycles, Lowriders and of course playin music!

I'd like to meet:

Jesus.....MY savior,first. Marcus Miller, Miles, Coltrane, Bird, Jaco, Jimmy Johnson ( Flim and the BB's) ALL of Steely Dan! Andrew Gouche', Victor Wooten, Stanley Clarke, Chuck Rainey, Chick Corea, John Pattitucci, Jeff Berlin, Rhonda Smith, Rhonda Smith, Rh.....uh ahem!, Gary Willis....and tooo many other great players i have learned from and continue to learn from. And of course YOU if you have somethin good to share .. Myspace Layout Generator-Layoutgen.com


My latest group is Called "City Praise" and we do mostly Praise and Worship, and Urban Gospel. Jazz traditional/ straight ahead, and modern, but not too much smooth jazz....all of that is not jazz man! I am a session musician so I have the privilege of working in several styles and genres of music.....I have played on everything from jazz to Gospel to bluegrass, country, rock, Beach Music, Salsa, and many others.....I love it man........Just not doin any Hip Hop...not really my thing man!


Lord of the Rings ( all) Action mostly Martial Arts and espionage/ 007 type movies...Ronin, US Marshalls, The Bourne Identity, and Supremacy....and others Science Fiction....The Passion of the Christ.


Not alot.........CSI (all), Boston Legal, Monk....sports, mostly Basketball.


My Bible....J.R.R. Tolken, Beowulf, Grendel, The Fall of Lucifer.


Jesus............My Pops! and My Granddad