tillykke profile picture



About Me

Til-loo-kah is the coming together of three Penninsula musicians. To see and hear more of what we do, keep yer eyes peeled to this site.Thank you to all for the love and support through out the years.All music is registered and copywrited.{Please bring your attention span}

My Interests


Member Since: 4/25/2006
Band Members: JAugust* Bass, Mando, VocalsGeoffss* Electric Guit, Acoustic Guit, VocalsGAlexC* A Drums, E Drums, Percussions, Programming, Vocals
Influences: fIREHOSE/ Medeski, Martin, and Wood/Ween/Zappa/King Crimson/Phish/Porno For Pyros/ Tortoise/Bela Fleck and The Flecktones/Clutch/The Mahavishnu Orchestra.. width="425" height="350" .. Peter Gabrial/Salvidor Dali/The Frog Brigade/Mogwai/Robert Venosa/Emporor Penguin/Richard D. James/The Flaming Lips/Tom Robbins/Janes Addiction/Terrence Mckenna/Tim Burton/Trans Am/ The Meters/The Melvins/ The Mammals/Bobby McFerrin/Nassim Haramein/The Legends of Zelda/ Drums & Tuba/Einsturzende Neubatens' percussionists/ Critters Buggin'/Artis/Kurt Vonnegut/ Dr Demento/M.C. Escher/ King Missle/Billy Cobham/Tool/Alex Grey/Doc and Dog/Luke Brown..width="425" height="350" ..Devil Makes Three/Shel Silverstien/Blonde Redhead and everything else from listening to the birds or heavy traffic to that low drone of the mills that never seems to resolve or give any indication of stopping. In essence, we are influenced by our surroundings and our music reflects that... width="425" height="350" ..
Sounds Like: "Post-psychedelic electro folk funk"
Record Label: (Behage overbringe jeres opmaerksomed spaendvidde)
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Minglewood, adventures

This weekend was very fun and a great learning experience.  Thank you to everyone that came out.  Our drummer wishes painful sodomy upon any one that rushed us Friday.  Inspite of anyth...
Posted by tillykke on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 12:10:00 PST

Only one song? What the .@$!*???

So here's the thing loyal fans,  We're working on it.  We hope to have our home-grown, self produced, pocket sized CD released by the end of the summer, or there abouts.  Also...
Posted by tillykke on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 11:18:00 PST

Stiff Upper Lip

Okay folks, here is a edited version of S.U.L. that we were working on for our demo album. Just a little taste for now, there is more on the way. 
Posted by tillykke on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 03:46:00 PST