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Maxim Kennit-Fox

You're the best.

About Me

When I'm not thinking about what bus to take to get where, I'm fascinated by the world around me in a spiritually open-mouthed way. Philosophy, why no one ever tries to learn to levitate anymore, spirituality, travel, why strangers don't talk to eachother, architecture, music and most other things are among my interests. There's got to be some way to levitate, honestly. It would make cleaning the rain gutters so much easier. Our ladder sucks. Oh well. I like people. So contact me if you wanna.

My Interests

Time for me to confess how odd my inner wishes are to the whole world. Well, okay, I'm up for that. Here are some of my deep secret wishes: I intend to form an international humanitarian syndicate. An organisation that would foster arts, music, progressive social and political movements, and give support and funding to people intending to effect positive societal change in any field or by any means, with regular meetings and festivals around the globe. I also intend to build a large castle-like structure someplace at some point to act as a centre for these activities. A preliminary sketch, concieved by the most brilliant artist of my acquaintance, is displayed with my photos. So a big organisation with castles all over the place, that's a pretty good life ambition I think. Since it'd take at least one life to make it happen. I really want to do this. It's kind of hard though cause I don't have the money. So if you're rich and want to give me castle money, just to let you know I'd be very okay with that. Or if you just like this idea, and want to help me figure how to do it, you'll get your own room in the castle! With a view and near the bathrooms. No climbing spiral staircases at 3am. Anyhow if you're interested in discussing anything else too, I'm open to anything really. I also write alot, or I did anyways, and have lost most of what I wrote. But I've been told I write alot better than I talk, so I should really get writing. I've considered pretending to be mute, so I could write everything and sound less like an idiot. I'm a mumbler, definately. But I'm smarter than I sound, honest. Anyways, I'm interested in people, and how it is people can organise and get together to do big things. I like festivals and music and fuzzy bunnies too.

I'd like to meet:

People who believe anything is possible. Because as far as I know, or anyone else for that matter, it is. People who have as much of a passion as I do in meeting every possible new person and trying to form a meaningful freindship from out of it. Just easier to learn about life when you've peeked into alot of souls. Lotsa people know things we never could. So it's almost like cheating. Okay, people that are just a tiny bit crazy, because at least they're never boring. Nothing more boring than the same old conversations, in infinite variety. How's that line go, "talk about the wheather, or how the wheather used to be". Especially since in winnipeg the wheather moves faster than the tongue, and there's really no point. Good conversation is good. People who could see themselves sitting back on some sunny afternoon and dreaming of organising a festival, building a castle, sailing a 17th century style spanish galleon to Cuba, or writing "out of order" on a phone booth just for fun. Then snickering about it on the whole bus ride home. Especially the ones who will end up snickering about it on thier deathbed, 60 years from now. People who dream and have a real passion to make thier dreams a reality. Especially the ones who never seem to get anywhere with them. As I'm pretty experienced with that and we could compare notes maybe. Oh, people who wouldn't mind trying to figure out a way to alter world history for the better with me would be good too. Cause I'm seriously interested in things like that. All I worked out so far is, it isn't easy. Could use some help please. Any ideas?


Books to me serve two purposes. To enlighten and direct the searching soul, or else to fill my head with random useless facts, when I'm feeling lazy and tired and need to lay down with a snack and listen to old twilight zone reruns while reading the encyclopedia. Enlightment or what year Chester A. Arthur's dad started his business. Meaning or useless pap. Those are the things I get from books.


That Soviet general from 1970s who went against orders and single-handedly saved the world. The distant early warning system indicated american missiles were coming over the north pole and his superiors ordered him to launch the nukes in retaliation. But his intuition told him to wait awhile... and it turned out to be a computer glitch, not an American invasion. He's responsible for the existence of a world for me to be born into a few years later. Thanks for that one, buddy. Damn good call. You've got some bloody good karma coming your way. Wish I could remember your name!