Keith profile picture


Who was the first person to say, See that chicken over there ... I'm gonna eat the first thing that

About Me

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My name is Keith. Im home from germany for good and thats all I need to say.

My Interests

I love outdoors stuff, like camping, canoeing, and rafting (like down the guadalupe river with a cooler full of beer). People from texas know what I mean. Oh yeah I almost forgot, I also like your mom. Shes pretty nice!!!

I'd like to meet:

guys layout @ HOT music / movies


Um, Yeah I listen to music and stuff.


Hmmmm...where to start. This is tough because I really love movies. Chris Farley is the man though. "You ma boy chris!!" I pretty much like all movies that dont have a shitty "everyone just died" ending. Those piss me off.


I dont watch tv much but ill always be a sucker for the classic cartoons. Who can turn down some Captain Planet and some Ducktales. Too bad they're not on anymore.


Is Maxim considered a book?


Batman, Chris Farley, your mom and of course myself

My Blog

A moment of Silence for Steve Irwin

Lets give a moment a silence to Steve Irwin the crocodile hunter. He died today after being stung in the heart by a stingray. Bye crikey that had to hurt.
Posted by Keith on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 09:00:00 PST