She's Gorgeous She Returns Things She's Sweet
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The Name is Kaydea
Don't forget it.
About Kaydea:
I am an obvoius hopeless romantic. That being said; I find the simplest things romantic and touching.
I hate when people hit on me hardcore.
Hey Hottie: ROFL stfu.
You are fine: Yes; am fine, thanks for asking how I am.
I'd tap that: It's not nice to hit women.
Am a sucker for cheesey pickup lines, they make me giggle; and prove to me that you're
Not afraid to be yourself.
Kaydea Likes:
I have a kitty named Prince Albert who I love to bits.
I have a whiteboard in my room; which is secretly the ticket to knowing the real me.
I smoke; and cigarettes save me from being a complete nutcase.
I like a boy right now; if it's you... You'll know it.
I love cheesey 70's horror films.
I love Disney movies. Call me childish; see if I care.
Kaydea Doesn't Like:
I hate people that never show who they really are.
I don't like when people insult you for something you can't change
I hate The feeling you get after being numb; damn tingly needles in your feet [or whatever was numb]
I really don't like when lighters run out; they always seem to do it at the worst moment possible.
Shoes that are too small; Blisters on my feet
The Romance Part.
I love it when I feel completely comfortable around a person.
I know I have feelings for you; when even the simplest little
things we talk about seem sentimental.
You know you have a connection with me, if we never have akward silences
Even when it's quiet; we can still feel comfortable; just looking at eachother
When I like someone; I make it quite obvious to that person
Screw candle light dinners and fancy places where I have to dress up.
I'd much rather spend the afternoon cuddling on your couch
Watching Corpse Bride & Edward Scissorhands
I hate when I like someone I can't have;
So if I like you; I will do everything possible to be with you
I will make it obvious if I like you;;;;
but that doesn't mean I'll make it obvious I want to be yours.
More about Kaydea:
I am a vegan; well I can't really call myself that;
I eat fish; for protien
I smoke; I drink; I do drugs
Judge me; see if I care
I listen to a variety of music.
I have made plenty of mistakes in my life;
and I have learned my lesson for all of them
if I could go back and change them; I don't know if I would
I would; because most of them were stupid
But then again I wouldn't; because I learned so much from the big mistakes;
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