Satire, poetry, philosophy, excellent dark ales and lagers, music, basbeball, basketball and smoking a good cigar with a glass of red wine or some mead.
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Steppenwolf, Beethoven, Tommy Johnson, Jethro Tull, Scissorfight, Clutch, Bach, Chopin, Louis Armstrong, Bing Crosby, Led Zepplin, Willie Dixon/Muddy Waters, George Clinton, Dr Dre, Cake, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Helmet, Witchery, James Brown, Spacehog, ICP, Coltrane, Billie Holiday, Patsy Cline, Kenny Rodgers...etc
Hosted at
Hosted at
PBS = Nova, Nature, American Experience (and Ken Burns films like Baseball, The Congress, Thomas Jefferson and etc..), and any documentary on historical, intellectual and etc...
The Unfortunate Travellor/Pierce Penniless/Christs Tears Over Jerusalem/The Anatomy of Absurdity all by Thomas Nashe (1567-1601?), My Favorite Poet is Catullus, my favorite female poet is Emily Dickenson, Edgar Allan Poes Complete Works, The Man Who Was Thursday by C.K. Chesterton, Letters of a Stoic by Sencea, How We Think by Dewey, the satires of Juvenile, Horace, Persius and Lucian, the poetry of Horace, Ovid, Ben Jonson, Walt Whitman, Carlos William Carlos, Thomas a Kempis, Martin Luther, Cotton Mather, Sabo, the Dahli Lama, The Bible, the Teachings of Buddha, David Hume, Jean-Jascque Rousseau, Plato/Socrates, T.S. Eliot, Donald Hall, Robert Frost, J.D. Salinger, Charles Bukowski's short stories (not his poetry), John Stuart Mills, to name a few.
Socrates who died for what he believed, Jesus (same reason), THE BUDDHA, Thomas Nashe, Henry Clay, Mark Twain, my Sister, my brother, my mother and my father, Christopher Santamaria who is battling kidney troubles, John Kay, Thomas Jefferson/John Adams, Albert Einstein, Brian Nickerson (the classical composer from Haverhill Mass.), Charles Darwin, Curt Schilling and the 2004 Boston Red Sox team and many more...