*[Cat F.T.W]* -Sailors Grave- profile picture

*[Cat F.T.W]* -Sailors Grave-

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Just another face in this desperate youth parade..

My Name is Cat. My heart is in the right place. I try to live my life drama free. My friends and family mean everything to me, and they love and support me in whatever i do. More than anything you need to know that i am happy

I hope that when i die, death is the only adventure i have left..

My Interests

*My Little Pony
*Polka Dots+Bows+Cherries
*The smell of rain
*Painting my nails
* Walking around the city at nightime
*Cloud Shapes+Rainbows+Stars
*My car Belinda
*Drinking coke from a glass bottle
*Sleeping In
*Big Hooded Jumpers

I'd like to meet:

I dont want to be promised the world.I'd settle for a boy more tattooed that me. Who was willing to be stared at instead of me. And who at the end of the day wouldnt care one bit...because he loved me that much 3


Fall Out Boy. Hanson. Panic at The Disco.


*Saw 1&2
*My Little Pony
* Sponge Bob
*Finding Nemo
*Chicken Little
* The Chronicles of Narnia
*My Girl 1&2
*The Never Ending Story 1+2+3
*Romeo + Juliet
*Edward ScissorHands
*Dude Wheres my car?
*Cruel Intentions Box Set


My Mum & Brother.Thats it.

My Blog

Birmingham Adventures

Travelled the half hour to Birmingham 3 days ago. A day earlier than expected but Adam threw a sickie so i went up and met him early and went to a mini festival show with about eleven bands. We missed...
Posted by *[Cat F.T.W]* -Sailors Grave- on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 10:50:00 PST

Yeap Yeap

Males doing my head in... GTF Out!   Seriously how hard is it to respect someones feelings and not just change plans or stop talking to someone with no explaination or only talk to them when its ...
Posted by *[Cat F.T.W]* -Sailors Grave- on Sat, 31 May 2008 09:28:00 PST

Quick Update ..

A few pretty good things have been happening lately. Im glad things are falling into place. |Its easy to say that its only been just over a week and i shouldnt be too worried but i like to pay my...
Posted by *[Cat F.T.W]* -Sailors Grave- on Sat, 24 May 2008 06:53:00 PST

First stories

Damn i hope someone reads this now. As i just spent nearly an hour typing it out already and some how managed to delete it three lines from the end. so i am doing it all again so you have something to...
Posted by *[Cat F.T.W]* -Sailors Grave- on Sun, 18 May 2008 11:30:00 PST

In regards to my trip....

I've been pretty down the last week or so. There has been SO much going on in my head. Spend most nights watching dvds etc because it actually makes my thoughts go quiet for awhile. I know its becaus...
Posted by *[Cat F.T.W]* -Sailors Grave- on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 07:56:00 PST

Seriously its sad...

Its a website run by small minded people...designed to make fun of gay, 'ugly' and fat people. Writes moronic articles in an attempt to humiliate and degrade people who look a certain way or live...
Posted by *[Cat F.T.W]* -Sailors Grave- on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 07:23:00 PST

Tattoos & Life.

{The contents of this 'blog' are my thoughts and feelings and came about due to my own personal experiences, as well as things i have read, witnessed and discussed with people. I try not to pass judge...
Posted by *[Cat F.T.W]* -Sailors Grave- on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 06:36:00 PST

Tattooed Women

An Article written for the herald in the uk. PAIN,HURT,SELF-HARM.AND WE CALL THIS ART? Melanie Reid  The only acceptable tattoo, it has long been said, is the Edinburgh Tattoo. Not any more. New ...
Posted by *[Cat F.T.W]* -Sailors Grave- on Mon, 29 May 2006 03:57:00 PST

Human Nature.

When not interfered with by outside influences, everything nature does, is done with perfection. But there are people who cannot learn things,do things,see things,smell things and understand thin...
Posted by *[Cat F.T.W]* -Sailors Grave- on Sun, 28 May 2006 10:56:00 PST

Whatever happened to Integrity?

anyone have solid black 10 mm plugs i could borrow? says: i believe integrity was sold packaged with some camo shorts and a dose of mosh.   I think Timmy G says it all right there. Gold....
Posted by *[Cat F.T.W]* -Sailors Grave- on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 06:39:00 PST