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...About You...
Nickname Saruki
Sex Female
Eye Color Green
Hair Color Brown
Height 165 cm
Favorite Color Blue
Screen Name Sara
Your Car None
Your Hometown Castellón
Your Present Town Castellón
Your Grade 4º ESO
Your Style Indie
Band Oasis
Movie Like God
TV show House
Song Yo solo quiero
Color Blue
Cigarette None
Pastime Sudoku
...Have You Ever...
Sat on your rooftop No
Kissed someone in the rain No, but I want to make it
Danced in a public place Yes, the January 1st
Smiled for no reason Yes, I don't know why... lol
Laughed so hard you cried Yes, it's esxtrange this situation...
Peed your pants after age 8 No
Written a song Yes, more than one, but very bad
Sang to someone for no reason Yes, very often
Performed on a stage Yes
Talked to someone you don't know Yes, and finally we often become friends
Made out in a theater No
Gone roller skating since 8th grade No
Been in love Yes, several times
A near death experience No
Sang in front of a large audience Yes, all year 4 times
...Can You...
Write with both hands Yes, but better with right hand
Whistle Yes, but only a little
Blow a bubble Yes
Roll your tongue No, but I want to learn
Cross your eyes Yes
Touch your tongue to your nose No
Dance Yes, and I think that I do it well
Speak a different language Yes, more than 2
Impersonate someone Yes, a lot of times
Cook anything Yes, I like so much cooking
...Are you...
Fighter Well...
Smoker No, never
Drinker Sometimes, only a few
Stalker No, never
Man eater No, never
Man hater Sometimes because I'm a woman lol
Lover Yes, and very often
War freak No
Heartbreaker No...
In love Yes...
Bossy Yes...
Friendly Yes, a lot
What is your current mood? Friendly
What makes you happy? My best friend
Name one thing you do a lot Sing
Name someone with the same b-day as you Boris
Are you comfortable with your height Well...
...Finish The Line...
If I were a ... singer I will be happy!!
I wish ... be yours
So many people don't know ... nothing about me
I am ... extrange
My heart is ... broken
Pet Peeves ... none
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All comedy:Emotional and wonderful at the same time: "The Masterplan"
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