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Booyaca Booyaca!!!

About Me

I would have to say that I am a happy go-lucky kind of guy. I like to laugh and I try to make others laugh as well.

I like EXTREME sports like tennis and bowling and right now tennis is back in the mix. Lets bring it.

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My Interests

Sleeping, chatting, anime, anything fun really...

Sports: Tennis, bowling, basketball, golf, and watching it on TV.

I'd like to meet:

People who like to chill and have a great time... oh and right now people who can play tennis.

I think I might have to agree with Miko and Steff and combine the suggestion of both of them. Girls in wife beaters that rock booty shorts with a word spelled across the butt cheeks.


Anything that can make me dance... and if I start dancing like Van Damme then that's great.


Here are some to name a few: Karate Kid 1&2, Breaking 1&2, Fox and the Hound, Knight's Tale, The Last Dragon, Top Secret, beauty and the Beast, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and the Harry Potter movies. There's more but can't think of them at the moment.


Smallville, CSI, Robot Chicken... whatever grabs my attention when flipping the channels.

I wish they would bring out shows from back in the day. I guess that would mostly be cartoons like Thundercats, Siverhawk, M.A.S.K., King Arthur and the Knights of Justice and the such. If you can remember a cartoon of the 80's I've probably seen it.


Harry Potter, Redwall series, Science Fiction, Fantasy

My Blog

Start of the handicap bowling

More bowling... Excellent... Its a good time to hang out with friends and drink some beers. Now that is a great sport and of course there is the friendly competition. Of course, with our group of frie...
Posted by Yo on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 01:06:00 PST

Riveting Bowling!!!

So, there hasn't been a tennis blog in quite awhile but that's only because it has been too cold to play some tennis. I'm sure as the weather heats up it will be back to some free sports. Hahaha... La...
Posted by Yo on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 01:24:00 PST

Tennis with newcomer Venice

The next update in tennis: Its gettin hard on what to write. Actually, yesterday was more of a late night due to me working and Steff with some prior engagements. It was an okay night for tennis excep...
Posted by Yo on Thu, 03 Nov 2005 12:30:00 PST

Darts with the Tards

Well, I thought this would just be for tennis but then last night we had a good darts turn out at Crown and Anchor. We decided to have a little tournament. 16 people - 8 teams - $6 per team. This is h...
Posted by Yo on Fri, 28 Oct 2005 11:37:00 PST

Service Game

I haven't been out for tennis for about more than a week but I sure didn't feel like I lost any touch. Actually I felt pretty good playing and boy, were my serves on fire today. Not that many double f...
Posted by Yo on Tue, 25 Oct 2005 01:14:00 PST

Tennis Anyone? (late posting... woops)

Time for the next update on tennis. Well, this should have been posted on Wednesday but I was too tired and then just got busy afterwards. So, while I have time now... I'll see what I can remember.We ...
Posted by Yo on Sun, 16 Oct 2005 08:40:00 PST

Excellent Rallies

So, its been awhile since tennis was last played. This time it was just me and Ace and all I can say was that this was the night that Ace was looking for. EXCELLENT RALLIES!!!One of Ace's goals was to...
Posted by Yo on Sat, 08 Oct 2005 02:56:00 PST

Puuure Control

So I guess I'm gonna be writing a log everytime I go out and paly some tennis. Thanks Ace for the idea, or did you just want to see what I write about you. Hahaha...Anyways, today's outing was a good ...
Posted by Yo on Mon, 26 Sep 2005 11:51:00 PST

Tennis Game is a Special Game

So I've started playing tennis again and its great. Boy, I need to get in shape again so I can start playing more sets and not get tired after a few games. Tired second serves sucks. But hey, its good...
Posted by Yo on Thu, 22 Sep 2005 01:50:00 PST