friends, hugs, hiking, animals, music, laughing, concerts, photography, movies, reading, tea, camping, candles, snuggling, thunderstorms, baths, massage, dragons, anything celtic in origin, smiling, my girl.. and a hell of a lot of other stuff. i find new things every day :)
I'd like to meet:
if you fascinate me, dont creep me out, are artisitic, have a sense of humor....and some form of intelligence - ie. Can speak/write properly - hint: if it takes me longer than 20 seconds to decipher what you have to say, im not interested In a man: there is no "type" of person i relate to; they come in all shapes, colors and sizes. but the men i see "out in the world" that i find attractive seem to find me unapproachable - im beginning to realize i may appear too intelligent and/or too assured of myself. i know that if a female (or male) presents themself as self-assured, no one will (in their right mind) physically harm them. however, that backfires when trying to meet people. self-assured = unapproachable. i figure if i even get a smile from people its a little victory for me, apparently i need to be tripped over to get attn! though my shyness, fear of getting hurt and independence turn against me. men do not like independence in a woman, it scares them... they want to be THE PROTECTOR.
anyways my ideal man is probably a "jack".. [as in, a cross bt jack johnson/skellington/mcfarland... and moving like dave gahan may gain swooning].
i wrote a list once that only Marco has seen in its entirety, in which he promptly told me to "throw it away" - but i still have it.. hehe..) === things i find attractive:
artistry/creativity (musicians, marketing guys, photographers, film makers, writers, vintage car restorers…); motorcycles, trucks or vintage cars; the love of pets must be mutual (+ my 2 cats & 2 mice); intelligence and literacy; confidence yet not egotistical; desires me yet is not needy or smothering; he follows his dreams and/or is living to his potential; has a charming smile; he has good friends that he hangs out with a few times a month and is family oriented…. and um, firemen, policemen, EMS and/or former military!
my 'jack' has a majority of the aforementioned attributes, pretty decent, i must say... we have the usual growing pains, trials and tribulations, but have been together a year and a half - which is partly why i've been mia from myspace other than i dont have access very often. what really threw me was the first time i heard him say his "name" at starbucks (don't we all have a fake starbucks name? i do. whats yours?)... yeh, it was jack. he had NO idea that i had written this - not a clue of my "ideal jack", he quite surprised me.
Pass me by if you are: hypocritical, pompous, close-minded, impatient, racist, insincere, extremely needy, boring, dishonest, or an animal-hater of any type.
i FINALLY saw social D.. opening night at the fillmore even! (she swoons) didnt think that BFD07 counted enough. it was nice to have them 20 feet from me :)
DMB, social distortion, FLOGGING MOLLY, sublime, ub40, DEPECHE MODE, rchp, COLDPLAY, JACK JOHNSON, korn, NIN, BLINK 182, weezer, echo & the bunnymen, 311, linkin park, fort minor, no doubt, the strokes, white stripes, dcfc, audioslave, THE CURE, u2, gorillaz, DRESDEN DOLLS, the clash, BAUHAUS, erasure, green day, smashing pumpkins, PELUSA, foo fighters, howard jones, james taylor, maroon 5, india arie, john mayer, sheryl crow, third eye blind, oasis, OAR, harry connick jr, glen miller orchestra, the ramones, KEELY SMITH, siouxsie, norah jones, jimmy eat world, cake, alanis morissette, louis armstrong, cole porter, peter gabriel, beatles, THE SMITHS/morrisey, bob marley, english beat, santana, violent femmes, THE KILLERS, natalie/nat king cole, natalie merchant, inxs, incubus.. last but, definitely, not least CSMorrison/Bargain Town - i miss u!
10 Things I Hate About You, 13th Warrior, 50 First Dates, A Beautiful Mind, About A Boy, Amelie, Aristocats, A Walk in the Clouds, Bend It Like Beckham, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Breakfast Club, Bringing Up Baby, The Cat Returns, Carnival of Souls, Charade, City of Angels, Con Air, Corpse Bride, Donnie Darko, Down With Love, Dragonheart, Enemy at the Gates, The Family Man, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Frequency, The Green Mile, Grosse Point Blank, Harry Potter series, Hope Floats, The Horse Whisperer, Howl's Moving Castle, Hunt for Red October, Igby Goes Down, Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade, Iron Giant, Kate & Leopold, Lady Hawke, Legend, Legend of 1900, Life as a House, the Lion in Winter, Lion King, LOTR, Mask of Zorro, Mona Lisa Smile, My Fair Lady, Nightmare Before Christmas, Office Space, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Out of Africa, The Philadelphia Story, Pump up the Volume, Pretty Woman, The Princess Bride, The Quiet Man, Seabiscuit, Serendipity, Sixteen Candles, The Sons of Katie Elder, Spirit, Spirited Away, Tao of Steve, Three Musketeer movies, Toy Story, U-571, Under a Tuscan Sun, Willow.. blah blah blah
yes, i'm a john wayne fan... i get that from my mom :)
no tv... reconnect your mind!
say yes to seasons on DVD: cowboy bebop, stargate SG-1, friends, six feet under, buffy the vampire slayer, weeds, will & grace
ill read just about anything to broaden my horizons, tho i like fiction better than non-. fiction based on scientific (crichton, cook) or historical (auel, 'cold mtn') events and facts. some auto/biographies. i tend to read a lot of adolescent lit since i work in a middle school and to keep up with my 12-yr old girl, as well. i enjoyed interview with a vampire, into thin air , and the secret life of bees.
currently reading: the sweet far thing by libba bray
- next is HP 7
currently editing: anything i get my hands on
prefer heroines... like aphrodite, but achilles and hercules were pretty cool
as a character: i like lestat
overall? my mom and my girl