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WHOOP WHOOP!!!!!!!!!!!

About Me

I’m a 37 year old British ex-squaddie living in Paderborn Germany. You may wonder why I’m an ex-squaddie? Well, I left the service to play my guitar in a band and play gigs & drink beer as often as possible. Stoopid eh??? But I’ll tell you one thing. I’ve never had so much fun!! As my mate Simon Dümpelmann says “Tits, Beer & Heavy Metal!!” That sums it up really. From Donnington Monsters of Rock with Verbal Warning (yeah…. Right…. In H’s dreams) to real festivals & a record deal with Greed to thrashing it up with my latest band Gods Will Be Done, it’s been a ride from hell!!! Outside of the band thing I live with my girlfriend Judith & our 2 black cats Kara & Trinity. We’ve been together over 7 years now. How does she put up with me? I dunno……. She’s great though & I’ve still managed to keep my freedom!! My job is, as they say in German “Munitionsfacharbeiter”. That means I blow shit up & get paid for it. Basically I do EOD work. Explosive Ordnance Disposal. Still confused?? Ok… Bomb Disposal! Lastly, 2 years ago I fulfilled a life long ambition to study Martial Arts. Twice a week I go to punch people & be punched by people. Great eh?? I do something called Wing-Chun Kung-Fu. Never heard of it?? Go check the Internet……………….

My Interests

Guitars & my band “Gods Will Be Done”! Working on new material for Gods Will Be Done, jamming to my favourite bands, video & magazine guitar lessons or just good ol’ doodling. Love it all!! Can be a bit addictive though……………. Wing-Chun Kung Fu. Why didn’t I start this earlier in life?! I’m honoured to have as my trainer Sifu Ulrich Portsteffen who studied under the late great Master Wong-Shun-Leung. Great Martial Art. Great club. Great people. I train on average 4 hours a week at the club and a further 2-3 hours on my own or with my self-made bodge-job of a wooden dummy. (you got any idea how much a genuine one costs??!!!) I also occasionally use my supervisor at work as a “training partner”……… he he he…… Other interests are reading, reading, reading. Never leave home without a book. NEVER! Cooking Indian food together with Judith is also a bit of a passion. If I don’t get 1 curry per week I start to get withdrawal symptoms! Also I’m a bit of a nerd and follow Formula 1 very closely. NO! I’m not a Schumacher fan! And, last but by no means least, probably the hobby I have invested the most amount of time & money into during my life, DRINKING BEER WITH MY MATES!!! Can’t beat it. I could give up all my other hobbies but not that. Loves it. CHEERS!!

I'd like to meet:

Not too many people really. I’ve met a lot of people that I always wanted to meet and it’s always a surprise how normal they are. Just like you & me!! But I sure would like to meet my Granddad to talk to him as an adult. He was my childhood hero. I loved him to bits but he sadly died before I even left school. I still miss him. Would be awesome to be able to talk to him now. Another person would be Master Wong-Shun-Leung. To meet the Grandmaster of Wing-Chun. Face to face. Humbling and probably life changing. Very sad that he passed away a few years before I took up Wing-Chun myself. I know he had a positive effect on many of the people he met or taught.Also, look below.... Imagine how cool it would be to meet the Ledge!!!!!


I make no apologies. I’m rooted firmly in the 80’s. Any other followers of the “Big Four” will know what I am talking about. What? You don’t?? SLAYER, METALLICA, MEGADETH, ANTHRAX”. Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh………. They were the days…….. Plus all of the following; Exodus, Vio-lence, At The Gates, The Haunted, Annihilator, Macabre, Motörhead, Iron Maiden, Legion of the Damned, Destruction, Six Feet Under, Overkill, Bolt Thrower, Carcass, Testament, Death Angel, Dark Angel, Sadus, Obituary, Dekapitator, Torture Killer, Killaman, Pantera (R.I.P. Dimebag. Guitar God!!), Death (R.I.P. Chuck), The Crown (Thanks Chris!), Judas Priest, Sepultura (Pre-Roots stuff only please!), and anything else that Thrashes!!!! And, for those rare non-metal moments; Tenacious D (again, thanks Chris!), The Who, The Jam,


All time fave? Enter the Dragon. Been watching it since I was a kid. Still love it. Also; Way of the Dragon, Fist of Fury, Anchorman (genius!)........ Mystery Men........ Talladega Nights.. The Legend of Ricky Bobby,Starsky & Hutch remake, Dodgeball, in fact anything with Ben Stiller or Will Ferrell in it! Charlies Angels remakes (Lucy Lui, mmmm….), Jackie Chan Rush Hour & Shanghai Noon / Knights, Twin Town (fuckin’ ‘ad ‘oo see!!). And, I wasn't going to say this but I will. The Pick of Destiny is the greatest fucking film EVER. I fucking love Tenacious D. There... I said it....... Oh, and does the Slayer “Still Reigning” dvd count as a movie??????


My 3 Greatest TV shows. 1. Married with children. 2. Friends. 3. The SimpsonsAnd these are all quite cool too. Headbangers Ball (please bring it back!),Heroes, Eureka, Martial Law (was I the only person who watched that?), X-Files (before it became too complicated), The Office (cringingly real!), Documentaries, especially History & Science (you know, Discovery & History channel stuff), Little Britain, any old Harry Enfield episodes (megatastic!), Black Adder, and…. err…. I also watch Big Brother…. sorry about that……


A subject close to my heart. I read almost everything & anything. But here are some of my faves…….. Clive Cussler. Got em all!, James Rollins (thanks Ron!), Area 51 series by Robert Doherty, Any U.F.O. books especially from Timothy Good & Stanton T. Friedman, Anything from Graham Hancock, The “Sharpe” series by Bernhard Cornwell, The “Kay Scarpetta” series by Patricia Cornwell (thanks Mum!), the Willard Price “Adventure” series (I grew up on them!), anything by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child, the Tom Clancy “Jack Ryan” series, Rogue Warrior series by Richard "Demo Dickie" Marcinko, Dan Brown Ken Follett, Dean R. Koontz, the “Harry Potter” series, and anything about Ancient Egypt, alternative history, occult, secret societies, ancient wisdom, exploration, expeditions, space travel and martial arts. There are many more but that’ll do for now!!


Al Bundy and Homer Simpson of course!!!! Lemmy. For his Top 10 words of advice for making it in a band. 1. Buy instrument 2. Form band 3. Learn to play something 4. Bore your family & friends to death with it 5. Never give up 6. Never give up 7. Never give up 8. Never give up 9. Never give up 10. Never give upWise words………:-)Bruce Lee. How gifted was he?? Revolutionised the martial arts world.And all of my real close friends. (you know who you are!). Friends for life. Luvs you all!!! In a non homosexualist way of course……..