I have a longstanding friendship with Kayotic aka J.We have complete trust in each other, with J being one of the few people to look past my athletic deficiencies(fatty^_^) and see that I was good-hearted and recognized my true strength. Because of this, I have has unconditional faith in J and, if necessary, would give my life for him at any time. The first times we really meet was on the school bus and around our neighborhood. We HATED each other we would always get in fights on the school bus and that gay nigga tried to steal my bike too -_-. But then after a few years without talking we like began to hang out out of nowhere. Ever since then we been like the best friends in the world one of the few people i can say id do anything for. When we hang out he is always the loud crazy one that out of nowhere hits me then we start out bitch slapping each other lmao.I can say that i got mature for a while i grew up...then i hung around wit j and now im like a 10 year old again ^_^;.(To be continued...) Devon (To be continued...) momz (To be continued...)