.P TUCK. profile picture



About Me

The names Patrick .
I go to College of San Mateo, and actually am enjoying it a good amount.
I am a partner of the Starbucks Company (Metro Center)..as a Barista. Come Visit Me!
I love music a bunch. I pretty much pump it in my '94 Honda Accord. Don't hate..its got some cosmetic issues, but it's the good ol' gas efficient, reliable car you know and love.
I also like to play the gee-tar. Acoustic primarily, but can hang pretty well on electric. I play both for my church; which is an amazing privelege. I do write my own music too. Hopefully it'll be recorded sometime in the near future. Check back.
I am jokester at times, and am always in the mood for a good laugh.
I enjoy spending time with my friends. They are amazing people who aid in my growth as a person.
I am in a relationship with an amazing women of God who is, by the way, my best friend!
With all that said, I still must say that I love the only one true God; the God of the Bible.
The truth is, I once was a slave to sin [John 8:34], a born hater of God [Romans 1:30] who deserved His wrath [Ephesians 2:3], but because of God's love, mercy, grace and justice through His son on the cross(Romans 3:26,Romans 5:8), I am now sealed with his Spirit(Ephesians 1:13-14) and have a faith that is a able to love and follow Him [Ephesians 2:4-5]; denying myself daily [Luke 9:23], so He can have all the Glory [Psalm 115:1]. Though I still sin, He will always forgive me [1John 1:8-9]; if I continually confess with a genuine repentance and belief [Mark 1:15] and walk in a manner worthy of Him; bearing fruit [Colossians 1:10], all of which my new spirit will produce and long to do despite my sinful flesh [Romans 7:14-15]; representing a true conversion. Praise God for what He has done on the cross; as a gift that I could do nothing to earn! [Ephesians 2:8]
God is the Gospel!.. God is the Good News! One day all that are His will rise up and spend an eternity with Him! [1Thessalonians 4:16-18]
(If you have any questions about God and His word, feel free to message me; and I can share more truths about our amazing Lord.)
I.M. me if you'd like:.
[AIM = ddr2ptuck]

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I already met "Her."


Top 5 most listened to this past month:

Future of Forestry/Something like Silas
Sovereign Grace Music
Shane & Shane
John MacArthur Podcasts
Paul Washer Podcasts

Other than those; I really do have an appreciation for all types of music, and good biblical audio sermons.


TOP 5(In no order):

Tommy Boy
Forest Gump
Shawshank Redemption
The Matrix(No. 1)


The Bible.

The Cross of Christ
The Justification of God
Desiring God
The Knowledge of the Holy
Living the Cross Centered Life
The cost of Discipleship
Systematic Theology
Battling Unbelief
I don't have enough faith to be an atheist
The Doctrine of Repentance
Religious Affections
The Mortification of Sin
Hard to Believe


-Jesus Christ