music, snowboarding, skating, movies, the gallon challenge, anything really.....but of course Disciple Clothing.
Anyone who's anyone, especially if they rock Disciple Clothing.
This month it's pretty much: Maylene and the sons of disaster, Dustin Kensrue, The Ataris, Lacrae, Holiday Run, Comeback Kid, and Sleeping Giant
Current favoprites are Braveheart, Goonies, Stand By Me, Dogtown and the Z Boys, Gladiator, Breakin, Army of Darkness, Crash, 300, and Amazing Grace
When I do watch T.V. my favorite show is most definitely The White Rapper Show. "Hallelujah Holla Back Lil Homie"
Screwtape Letters, Cost of Discipleship, He is Faithful, The Outsiders and the Bible.
My mom and pops. anyone who has been willing to surreneder their life to serve Jesus.