*Click on each head shot for more info!
The Fearless (Egotistical) Leader
25 y.o Kiwi
The Fitness Fanatic
22 y.o Finnish
The Ladies Bogan
19 y.o Aussie
The Pimp
20 y.o Aussie
The Random Guy
19 y.o Finnish
The Stunt Man
22 y.o Aussie
All you Bogan-ites out there tuning in! And stay tuned for our new stage shows next year!
Demand us on Eventful to make sure your city gets included in the HUGE plans we have for 2008's season!
This not only incorporates filming for our actual shows but we will also bring along some kick ass bands to perform live at various venues around your city
Thanks everyone for your support! It's corny but true to say... without you guys we would cease to be!