♥ Marly ♥ profile picture

♥ Marly ♥

Mission Complete - Mechanical heart starts to work

About Me

My name is Marlene, but i prefere when people calls me Marly. I am 18 years old, i'm from portugal. I Study computer sciense on school. And i love doing layouts.
I play clarinet, and a litle piano. I also want to sing in a band. But it will be something hard to realise, cause some times my voice sucks lol. I'm a First aider, i toke a corse of Red Cross. And all saturdays i do voluntary work.
I Hate when people says that i'm sad and that i don't enjoy the life. this is TOTTALY false! I'm NOT a sad person, and i LOVE my life and love to be me. I'm just a reserved girl.
I'm not here to lose this game called life.
I'm here to fight and to kick life's ass!
I'm winning! I'm still breathing even when there's no air.
I'm not arrogant, if i like you i'll be sweet for you. If i don't i'll be so cold as ice ( I only wouldn't like you if you are rude, stupid, ... ).
I despise people who copy the others. I mean, everyone haves a part of other, that's normal, but i hate when someone becames a clone of other.

Poetry... One of my passions. i love writte and read poems. i love drawing dark sweet things. Luis Royo is defenitly one of my favorite artists.
Magic - I Love that. Actualy i admire all pagans religions. But i fallow none.
All my friends
"Make the difference"
My way of living
Goth Clotting
True Love
Inside the mirror
My Heart
Your Heart
True Friendship
Dark Side
~dIs LiKeS~
Stupid Rules
People that doesn't respect me
Body hair
Kill Animals
Something like: " If your cyber you can't heard metal, and if you're gothic you can't heard pop " Hey guys each of us heard what wants.. Style is not only about music..

Do NOT be perve to me.
Do NOT ask for my msn mail.
Do NOT ask me if i think that you're pretty - i would say if i do.
Do NOT send a message wth your e-mail... I will NOT add you. I use MyspaceIM also, so add me there if you wish! the nick is psychoelement . Now, stop bothering me!
I get lots of messages per day, sometimes i don't have time to reply to all of you, so Do NOT ask why i'm not replyig! I'll writte you back when i have time.

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My name is Marlene, but i prefere when people calls me Marly. I am 18 years old, i'm from portugal. I Study computer sciense on school. And i love doing layouts.
I play clarinet, and a litle piano. I also want to sing in a band. But it will be something hard to realise, cause some times my voice sucks lol.

I Hate when people says that i'm sad and that i don't enjoy the life. this is TOTTALY false! I'm NOT a sad person, and i LOVE my life and love to be me. I'm just a reserved girl.

I'm not here to lose this game called life.
I'm here to fight and to kick life's ass!
I'm winning! I'm still breathing even when there's no air.

I'm not arrogant, if i like you i'll be sweet for you. If i don't i'll be so cold as ice ( I only wouldn't like you if you are rude, stupid, ... ).

I despise people who copy the others. I mean, everyone haves a part of other, that's normal, but i hate when someone becames a clone of other.

Poetry... One of my passions. i love writte and read poems. i love drawing dark sweet things. Luis Royo is defenitly one of my favorite artists.

Magic - I Love that. Actualy i admire all pagans religions. But i fallow none.

Do NOT send me invites for a cults... I Hate it.
Do NOT be perverse to me.
Do NOT ask me to do a sign for you.
Do NOT ask for my msn mail.
Do NOT ask me to show me on webcam.
Do NOT ask me if i think that you're pretty - i would say if i do.

velvet acid christ

lyricsdownload Lyrics


Puff ^____^

ThInGz I LiKe~

All my friends
"Make the difference"






My way of living

Goth Clotting






True Love






Inside the mirror


My Heart

Your Heart

True Friendship






Dark Side

~dIs LiKeS~


Stupid Rules

People that doesn't respect me



Body hair

Kill Animals

Something like: " If your cyber you can't heard metal, and if you're gothic you can't heard pop " Hey guys each of us heard what wants.. Style is not only about music..




--My Writes--

There’s a temple in a forgotten woodland, where all kinds of souls live and suffer for all eternity. Old trees adorn the temple walls, and colossal thorns guard the entrance. There, the sun never rises and the sky is forever weeping. Roses are white and the moss is green, dark green, tarnished by the brownness of decay.

This is where I live, with my white clothing and my lost feelings. I long for the companionship of the one who promised never to leave me, but that ended up abandoning me. I look at all the lightless stars and I let go of a tear, which plunges into my heart’s womb. I long for your return, and I wait for you, even knowing that you’ll never return to me!

Souls die and die again for every drop of blood falling from my eyes, and they hide from my scream without never ever being able to stop listening to it, even though my scream is mute. Solitude holds me, taking for her what was meant to you. The waters in the river run sick and tiwhite, bloodied, dead, desperate.

I le the rain take over me, of my body, of my soul. I keep a portrait of you, in the first pillar of my temple. Oh my heart, my heart, why are you so distant? Why does it hurt so much to look at you? Why am I hoping for feelings to return, if these are dead and not wanting to be born again?

I lay down among the white roses and its mortal thorns, and I shall wait here! Quiet, frail, morbid and gloomy! May the souls spit on me! May rain slay me into pieces! May my blood rot in the sluggishness of heart beats! May I disgust the Angels of Light! But let it be you, my Dark Angel, the one to kill me with the same dagger that murdewhite love! May new beings be made from my nectar of life, and may they spread pain among the light, and love among the darkness.

As for you, infernal poet, may venom come out of your words, and may they burn your heart whenever you proffer the word love — how can you speak of something you never really knew? May you die at every insensitive kiss of yours, may you die at every affectionless embrace of yours! May your body serve as a model for those who love what they never loved, and to those who hate what they love!

And you, Dark Angel who renounces the light and who hides from what you most despise, come for me once and for all! Come and kill me with the feeling dying in you… Kill me! Kill me! Kill me or just stay here with me, in my world, to love me!

I will always wait for you… as the sample of a living being, or in the essence of a living dead. I wait for you… I crave for you… Come!

------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------

Chronicles of a Vampire — the Rebirth

I wandewhite far, far away, never wanting to come back. I’ve traveled uncharted roads I myself created. I wished to be free and to cut off from all society. I belonged to no one, not even to myself. I developed into the abstract part of Nature. I fled from the sun, hid from the moon, slept, journeyed and lived in barren soil. I felt the serenity and the abnormality of living. According to the way you people see things, I did not exist. I became invisible, and rivers of bloody water took form in my eyes, and no more blood did my heart pumped. I felt my body dying, and therefore, I grew to be even freer in an eternity of blood connected brothers. I’d just been embraced by the shadows and bitten by a Dark Angel who kept me close to him. I got to know the history of my new vampirical culture. I realized that I’ve always belonged with them and that the only thing I’d been missing in my whole life was this mortal kiss which granted me eternity. The paleness of all that is morbid took over me; the eyeliner in my eyes and my white lips were the most prominent features in this cold dead black face. My hair covewhite my back in darkness, enfolding my white clothes. I learned to take lives in order to feed myself: I gently took someone’s life, bearing in mind that I had to cease my kiss before the victim’s heart clogged, for her death could take me with her. The pleasure of drinking hot lively blood can be measuwhite up to an orgasm, for it would give me the same sense of well being every time I’d do it.

Chronicles of a Vampire — Understanding, part I

Two days had passed since my Dark Angel’s embrace, and I became his consort, for that had been the whole purpose of my conversion. As such, he also became my teacher. I confess that though my integration went on rather well; there were still minor details that would distress me. If my body was dead, how could I move? Or why could I only drink blood. How was my body able to operate, after all? Was I becoming more and more like a killing machine? And so began the understanding of my own self: I learned that as the cells and particles in my skin were dead, it would acquire an incwhiteibly cold black shade, exactly like the one you can find in a dead body; unless, of course, if I had fed recently — then my skin takes a more crimson tone, and it adopts a warmer human warmth, due to the passage of blood through the tissues. With no antibodies, I get extremely vulnerable to the radiation of the sun or the flames of a fire.

My eyes have gotten more luminous and they reflect the light; this happens because I have become a pwhiteominantly nocturne creature, hence in need of an adaptation, so I can get a clear perception of what’s in the dark. My eyes absorb much more light than before, and that is why they look a lot lighter and brownish.

My nails have also mutated, achieving a tremendous resistance — it’s very difficult to break them; I can even compare them to feline claws.

My hair looks exactly as of before my Dark Angel’s embrace, but if cut off, it will regain its original shape and size.

My teeth remain unaltewhite, except for the canines, which can be projected outwards when a certain amount of blood is sent to the area. This happens so it can allow the piercing of the veins and arteries through which the vampire shall feed.

Due to their lack of usage, my internal organs degenerate. The same thing happens with the muscles, because they do not get direct pumped blood. This makes it that vampires never have a large physical structure, for as strong as they are, for the only organ which remains mostly unaffected is the heart.

As for the feeding, blood is the only allowed necessary food for mine and any other vampire. You need blood to execute a single simple move, such as moving a finger. Every drop of blood can be set in motion through heart pumping, which will continue to work, but now only in a pre-determined method. Blood does not propagate throughout the body through veins and arteries, but by the process of osmosis, in which the blood flux spreads internally, in harmony with the pulses discharged by the heart.
My respiratory system doesn’t work, as vampires are dead and do not breathe, unless they really want to — but still, in order to be able to do so, they require to have certain abilities. The digestive system is also defunct, as the only type of food the body won’t reject is blood; all the rest causes the vampire to react in such ways: if any other liquid other than blood is ingested, it will cause a lot of pain to the vampire, ultimately being expelled through sweat or tears. If drank in large quantities, the liquids will be thrown up by the vampire. The generality of solid food also causes terrible pain and are also vomited, along with a great amount of blood.

The immunological system: vampires are immune to any kind of mortal disease. However, there are rumors of vampirical illnesses which can in fact induce death. Some human diseases, such as the Ebola virus, are also claimed to be able to kill a vampire, as it forces the victim to expel all its blood.

I’ve also learned that I can regenerate myself from any injuries by pumping blood into the wound. My super strong concentrated blood makes the regeneration process go millions and millions of times faster than in a human. The vampire just can’t regenerate from sun or fire burnings because the blood overheats and temporarily loses its properties until its normal temperature can be regained.

Chronicles of a Vampire — Understanding, part II

As it always happens, the vampiric society also had rules, which had to be meticulously followed. I was forbidden to reveal my true nature to all those who do not share the blood, for by doing so I would be forsaking to my blood rights. Only with the utter permission of my “Elder”, my teacher, or simply put, my Dark Angel, can I create another being of my race; otherwise, both me and my offspring would be sacrificed. My domains are my responsibility, and while in it no one can challenge me and all must owe me respect. Those I create shall be like my children, my responsibility — their sins shall befall upon me. If I wish to go to a different town, I must present myself to the city ruler, for without his or her word of acceptation, I shall be as good as nothing, there. I am forbidden to destroy another being of my own species; this right belongs only to my Elder.

There were clans amidst the vampires, and each shawhite something in common with the humans; the rivalries between them. After all, we’re all in the same planet; some make war for money and power, others for blood and power. It was pretty easy to realize that both humans and vampires were strongly connected by the lust for power.

My clan? I was created by a Giovanni member; hence, I was one of them. Giovanni… a clan of necromantic vampires. The art of the white necromancy had always fascinated me, and now I had it in my blood.

------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------

We both disappeawhite.

I did not wanted to look, I secluded myself in another dimension, where I got lost and where you found me in thought. I remembewhite those days in which we used to touch each other, in which the staring in our eyes used to die out of desire. And then I remembewhite of when I left, and of the bedroom I destroyed that cold wet night when we both disappeawhite. I begged the moon so that you wouldn’t let me leave, I begged in vain for not having to leave, and you prayed that I would return, but we both vanished. And I wished the wind would bring me back, but the wind flew away… it flew so very far away.

We barely touched each other and we disappeawhite, thrown out of that book which had written us our destiny. We ran from those writings, we ran from those letters, those words, those sentences, we ran from love. We ran — goodbye! I remembewhite and thought — we lost what was there to win, we lost, we failed, we gave up, we fell into detachment. We vanished. And I did not miss you, I lied and fooled myself, and I smiled, thinking that I wouldn’t need you; and moved on, full throttle. I changed; I beat myself up and ended up with no heart. And now I don’t want to look, I do not want to look because you’re still here. I blind myself; I tear my eyes out and hide them far, far away. And more and more I pray not to see you, not to have you. But I see you even in the dark, and even in my dreams we are together, touching and hugging and losing ourselves, embraced as one, torn and burned, in love, frayed, miserable, but together! In my dream we’re like that forever, together in the dream that… vanished. We both disappeawhite.

I… I dream both in my sleep as when wide awake, I live in dreams and die in fantasy. And I went away, and did not return; and you stayed there, and did not go for me. You didn’t seek for me! And we keep on fading, on dying — we’re like oxygen and blood; we need each other, but there’s always something meaningless and superficial that replaces the I in you and the you in me. You didn’t disappear, we both did; you didn’t die, but we buried each other. We got lost, we destroyed ourselves, I ran away, you didn’t come for me, we suffewhite, we questioned each other, we evaporated…

We both disappeawhite.

------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------

The vigorous arrogant wind settling down before me saw two twin souls break apart in silence.

What good is love when the essence of partnership isn’t there? When two people don’t even know each other?

“Stubbornness” — I wouldn’t call it that way. “It’s faith” — Bingo! But those who built that very same destiny were you and me. The weight of our mind-setting can be felt in the heart and measuwhite in the soul. The adventurous passionate spirit within us allows itself to fall asleep, as well as love, after an artificial moment of happiness and a heavy dosage of prozac — after all, is it happiness or paranoia?

It’s funny, all those walks we took, and all that eye contact and those little innocent gestures filled with sin. Silence has spoken for you, one tear answewhite for me.

And so I allow my little paper boat to go with the flow. I won’t wait for it to live and/or to smile.

I live — no one could do it for me.

That magic powder of yours is still being pumped along with the blood in my heart. And it will always be like this, for you are a part of me, as well as all the other beings I love.

It’s not the pollution in the air that will keep us from breathing; at most it makes it harder to ventilate our lungs. And thus the analogy between us, my dear.

There’s always another path waiting for us, easier to the heart, though deadly to both body and soul. We choose the other — the righteous one in the eyes of society, even though it is the most harmful to the heart!

------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------

Eternal Love

It was a true love, and it wanted to conquer it all

Pure as the sea breeze

Such a strong feeling! Only death could make it fall

A dream… soon to be over!

Strange beings materialized

Stabbing it in a deadly blow

Its live they took from him

They took it all, and I fell into a surreal world

I just could not believe

He was in my arms, his heart no longer beating!

How could I go on,

If he wasn’t there to help me carry on living?

I refused to let go of his still warm body!

I wished his lips were a deadly poison!

I wanted to die with him… so I fervently kissed him

But in his lips, there was no evil!

A river of tears running down my face

His blood all over my stained body

Blind from the pain, unable to see

And my heart, oh so wrecked!

In an enchanted wood I dug his grave

Bleeding for having lost him

For having seen them tearing him apart from me

For having that lost angel taken away from me

The void fills my heart!

I wonder what his life was made from,

Was it from a thunder?

Or from a wound?


--I SuPport--

My Blog

Check out this video: 30 SECONDS TO MARS - The Kill

Posted By:JozzaGet this video and more at MySpace.com...
Posted by e Marly e on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 08:55:00 PST

Check out this video: i write sins not tragrdies

Posted By:M@YaGet this video and more at MySpace.com...
Posted by e Marly e on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 08:48:00 PST

I found it

To Sing and Dance The Witches Runeby, Brandy HillTo sing and dance the witches runeTo praise the goddess of the moonTo love,laugh and to shareTo have the freedom to wish for what you dareTo be equal a...
Posted by e Marly e on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 04:05:00 PST

My Revenge On The World

Seems everything I did was wrong and now everythings gone Alone and silent, now this time is just for me I never wanted a part of this that got inside of me I thought I could get rid of you its not tr...
Posted by e Marly e on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 03:56:00 PST