Jonny. profile picture


Breathing continuously since 1984

About Me

Yes I know every one on my top friends personally.Do not send me a comment saying "thanks for the add" when you sent me an add request. seems to happen A LOT. Say something nice or something worth saying instead of a message that tries to make you look cool for self promotion. with out actually going to any effort.I've lived all over the globe, In Sydney Perth, London,Ibiza . Traveled all over. Now back in Sydney indefinitely.In a serious relationship. so all happy there.I am working as the principal property manager for a real estate office in the lower north shore. Far cry form the relaxing life of leisure. But we all have to make a living and I love my job.not sure what else to say.... bla

My Interests

Laying on the beach. keeping physically active and keeping my mind working. Just good times with fun people. I read a lot lately, to keep my brain working when I'm not out and about. and I play squash at least twice a week to keep fit. and try to gym it but I'm lazy. but i still pay my membership so I get the key ring ;)

I'd like to meet:

For real. Good times with fun people. Take that as you may, but keep it above the belt.Living in Cammeray Lower North Shore. That's right I'm one of those people born, educated and residing in the LOWER north shore. no It's not a disease I just enjoy my peace and quiet, and old women in the elevator looking me up and down and shaking their heads saying "tisk" a lot, then telling me how I'm too mates know me too well, I've shy'd away from the social scene since moving back to concentrate on other things. to be honest though, After hitting it up in the usa, london, ibiza and rest of europe the clubs here seem bland and the events seem'll see me at slide having a cheeky few lychee martini's or lemon lime and bitters because I'm people who love to go out get a big tick I still rather people that have there life sorted and like to do other things. so a mix of the two sounds sweet.




very eclectic taste, horror, romantic comedy, thinking movies. I love them all really.


little brittain, catherine tate.


I read now? Ohh wait yes I do. Chrisian Jacq - Ramses series. John Grisham - King of torts. Frances Mayes - Under the Tuscan sun (at home in Italy). Anne Frank The diary of a young girl (her diary). Jean sasson princess trilogy.Also the devil wears prada, and harry potter series. Also alot of self help books like sir richard bransons book, and some on the more spiritual side linda georgians books really work well i have several that i highly recomend, how to attract your ideal mate and Your Guardian Angels. I know they sound silly, but they are honestly the best books i have read for my self development along with the spiritual enrichment they bring alot of them are common sence that we chose to ignore for some reason.Yes inside this ditzy boy. There is a brain. It is well hidden but it is there.


Dame Malvina

My Blog

HOW TO BE GAY university of michigan

ENGLISH 317. Literature and Culture. Section 002  How to be Gay: Male Homosexuality and Initiation. Credits: (3; 2 in the half-term). Instructor(s): David M Halperin ([email protected]) Course De...
Posted by Jonny. on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 07:51:00 PST

USA HERE I COME!!!!!!!! Who wants a game of knifey spooney ey?????

So yes the rumours are true. I am coming to the USA on a whirl wind tour of Cali. My management team has advised me that it'll be good publicity. So here I come. Dates: I'll arive on the 26th Dec...
Posted by Jonny. on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 09:27:00 PST

the happiest of times. happy 6 months malcolm.

So today was just the most amazing day in the longest of times. I woke up got dressed for work. arrived at work and looked at the date in my diary and realised that today is the day I get to announce ...
Posted by Jonny. on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 05:11:00 PST now for gay rights just under the pic in the top left corner. thanks its a shame more people still disagree
Posted by Jonny. on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 01:07:00 PST

life is life and i fucking love it.

So life is great. I went to melbourne for 5 days and had an amazing time with georgy and chris and emilia. and also saw vered. came back to sydney and had a few rough days at work being very overly bu...
Posted by Jonny. on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 06:21:00 PST

more wasting of $, holiday plans and sickness UPDATE with C T scan

So in order. More wasting of money. I've just bought a new mattress because the one i bought 2 months ago i don't like so i'll put it under my base or give it to my grandmother. unfortunately i cant...
Posted by Jonny. on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 07:31:00 PST

falling falling falling falling fallen!!!!

I have a lot to update. but there is only one thing i want to say *que re-play of tom crusie jumping on oprahs couch* I'd jump on my couch but i'd probably break the piece of shit.but yes. I've fallen...
Posted by Jonny. on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 12:41:00 PST

this little piggy went to the market and said fuck you i want this this this & the list goes on

So title says it all. After spending all my time and money on decorating the house with furniture and being a good boy to my family i decided ME time So i bought a few goodies and such because i feel ...
Posted by Jonny. on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 05:49:00 PST

busy is what busy does.

Life is so busy. I've been very busy. Getting back into the gym routine, working is time consuming. ( was back in the office this evening and did some emergency work for an hour.So the last week. I've...
Posted by Jonny. on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 03:58:00 PST

new hair working hard gym and squash finals.

So yes the rumors are true.1- I'm smitten with a guy.2- i've gotten rid of my precious locks.3- i'm back at the gym4- I'm playing in the finals for the sydney spring comp. (I'm substituting for the te...
Posted by Jonny. on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 03:29:00 PST