Music, Movies, History, Good Food.
People, interesting people, no one too normal, nornalicy is boring.
S.N.A.K. BABY!!!!
Well i'm kinda biassed, i'm in the band.
Latte D. Kyd
Again i'm biassed, apparently i'm a sweet bitch!
I listen to:
The Misfits, K-OS, Motorhead, Black Sabbath, Depeche Mode, Hawksley Workman, Jean Leloup, Guns N' Roses, AC/DC, Alice In Chains, The Beastie Boys, Brother Love Canal, Groovy Aardvark, Audioslave, Pink Floyd, The Police, Zygote, Portishead, Stone Temple Pilots, Tom Petty.
Kill Bill, JFK, Ed Wood, Sin City, Silence of the Lambs, Grosse Point Blank, This is Spinal Tap, Fargo, Black Hawk Down, True Romance, Goodfellas, Apocalipse Now.
Law and Order, Seinfeld, The Family Guy. And of course, The Daily Show! and i finally decided to watch 24.... And it's really good.
In Cold Blood, The Count of Monte Cristo, History and Non Fiction Books, and Sin City Graphic Novels. Monsieur Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran
SRV, Angus, Jimi and Jimmy and the three Kings. (Albert, BB, Freddy)