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Pero os he llamado AMIGOS porque ,todas las cosas que oí de mi Padre, os las he dado a conocer Juan

About Me

naci en pomona california a los tres anos me fui a vivir a zapoltiltic jalisco mexico. vivi alli 5 anos antes de regresar pero creenme que me siento 100% mexicana educada a la antiguita. alos 18 conoci a mi esposo un gran hombre 100% nica, dos meses despues nos casamos. ahora tenemos tres ninos, noah 5, hannah 2, moises 8 meses. estudio para ser enfermera ya tengo un AA en desarrollo de ninos osea maestra prescolar. me siento muy pero muy bendecida por Dios por que a los 19 anos no solo tuve mi primer nino sino que tambien lo conoci a el por primera vez. me encanta toda clase de musica pero tengo un lugar muy especial por el rock. y Funky claro. y me encantaria que por medio de mi profile otra personas rockeras o reggetoneras encontraran estas bandas de calidad y con un mensaje positivo que tengo en mi site. que Dios me los bendiga a todos.y eso es todo cual es su historiaenglish version i was born in pomona california at 3 years of age i moved to zapotiltic jalisco mexico. i lived their 5 years and then moved back to ontario. At 18 love came a knocking at my door and standing there was my soul mate.(100% Nicaraguense) Two months later we were married, we have three lovely kids noah 5, hannah, two moises 8 moonths. I have an AA in child development,But recently i have decided to start all over again and switch careers to one in nursing, register nurse to be exact. Besides my husband God came a knocking too and his been with me ever since. Well thats pretty much it, right now I am a at stay home mom and a student. i love for my sight to be a link for other rockeros to hear good positive rock music.And thats my story.whats yours.
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My Interests

por gracia de Dios trato de ser la mujer maravilla en mantener mis hijos y esposo felizes. trato de sacar el estress haciendo ejercisio, en la iglesia, escribiendo poesias escuchando musica. By the grace of God Trying to be "Super Woman" by, making my husband and my three children happy, going to school mean while trying to maintain my sanity. Going to church, the gym to relieved stress, listenning to music, writting poetry.

I'd like to meet:

mis nietos algun dia my grandchildren some day"He aquí, herencia de Jehová son los hijos; cosa de estima el fruto del vientre. Salmo 127:3''Me estas matando de Funky town music tremendo mensaje para todas las mujeres
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"Regocíjate y canta, oh moradora de Sion; porque grande es en medio de ti el Santo de Israel" Isaías 12:6 Musica Que Educa y Edifica for alternative-air 1 9.01www.air1.com/-salsa, merengue, etc.Radio Impacto http://www.radioimpacto.org o radio nueva vida http://nuevavida.com o ondas de vida http://www.ondasdevida.com/- Grupos, ROJO, Roca firme ,switch foot,P.O.D. Barlow girls,funkytown, , Dr. P, tobymac, third day, mercy me, marcos witt, Danilo montero "Mariachi" o y CriCri el grillo cantor entre muchos masGRUPO ROJO Brillare!

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Todas las peliculas de la "Epoca de Oro" musicals, west side story, grease, hair spray,and ofcourse chicken little and nemo


national greographic, food network, antm, house, so you think you can dance, Discovery Health channel, El chapulin Colorado,El Chavo,I Love Lucy Want to play
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"Cuán preciosos me son oh Dios tus pensamientos! ¡Cuán grande es la suma de ellos" -Salmo 139:17la Biblia, romeo y julieta, y por siempre te amare Bible, Shakesper Romeo and Juliet, childrens story "I love You For Always,"


mi mama por hacer todo lo possible por darnos un hogar lleno de amor. mi papa por trabajar dia y noche para que tuvieramos todo lo que necesitaramos, ensenarme el valor de una familia unida hacer trabajadora y amistosa. mi abuelita por ser mama y papa a cuatro hijos y hacerlo bien. Mom for doing all that and more to raised three happy children in a home full of love My Dad for working day and night teaching me, hospitality, hard work, and the value a family has in once life. My grandmother for over coming all obsticles and raising four children on her own.

My Blog

what a wife should be like

proverbs: 31 10 [c] A wife of noble character who can find?        She is worth far more than rubies.  11 Her husband has full confidence in her    &...
Posted by >>>Esmeralda<<< on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 03:41:00 PST

Check out this video: Porcelin Heart

Posted By:Evil ChicaGet this video and more at MySpace.com...
Posted by >>>Esmeralda<<< on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 11:09:00 PST

infinite blessings

I can tell you that i dont need to drink or do drugs to get high to be happy and have a good time. my friends can testify that iam high all the time but high on life "All natural no perservatives adde...
Posted by >>>Esmeralda<<< on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 11:07:00 PST

Check out this video: We live

Posted By:Evil ChicaGet this video and more at MySpace.com...
Posted by >>>Esmeralda<<< on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 10:59:00 PST

What a mom is made of and for

1. Influence 2. Mentoring 3. Preserverance 4. Admiration 5. Compassion 6. Empathy   A mother always understands what children do not say.A mother dose not just create life she also gives it ...
Posted by >>>Esmeralda<<< on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 02:21:00 PST

what would you choose, hell or heaven

would you go to heaven or hell? Would you like to be sure you would go to heaven Romans 10:9 If you confess with your mouth that JESUS is the Lord and you believed it in your heart that he rose from t...
Posted by >>>Esmeralda<<< on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 10:15:00 PST