Diego Rivera, Van Gogh, Matisse, Monet, style, learning el espanol, teaching, LIFE, CREATIVITY, DANCING
...need I say more...
...BONFIRES! Always a good time...
...gotta luv the shoes...
...yup, usually that's me ;)
...Wicked...I loved it on stage just as much as I loved the book...
Word of the Day
Word of the Day
provided by The Free Dictionary
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
provided by The Free Dictionary
Life as a House, A Walk to Remember, Amelie, The Family Stone, The Adventures of Sebastion Cole, Kill Bill, The Last Broadcast, Donnie Darko, Millions
CSI, Prison Break, What Not to Wear, Perry Mason (from time spent with my Grandma...it's a classic)
The Giving Tree (and anything else by Shell Silverstien), Wicked, 100 Years of Solitude, Shopgirl, Me Talk Pretty One Day, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Envy, Pedro Paramo, Rain of Gold
when the heat of my anger begins to rise
she is the soft breeze
blowing through my hair and
cooling my emotions
when I jump into the depths of unknown seas
she is my last gasp of breath
sustaining my life
until the momment I reemerge
when I'm overwhelmed by the noise of the day
she is the whisper
in the rustling leaves
silencing the loudness
when I come upon the darkest hour of the night
she is the new moon
casting a peaceful glow
over the horizon
when I close my eyes and dream
she is the image
of the woman I long to be
Though she may no longer be at my side I know that I am never alone...
Never Alone - Music Video
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