Cool Slideshows
Cool SlideshowsShooting pool with Ralph and hearing him sing and play his guitar. Making people laugh when they didn't think they could, fishing with my son, fishing with Ralph, watching my daughter turn into a little lady right before my EYES!! My god time slips away!!
Cool Slideshows
I would have to say my favorite singer/songwriter is "Ralph Hoar" click on his profile and you will see what I mean. James Taylor, Billy Joel, The Beatles, The Doors, The Who, Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, Alice In Chains, Sound Garden, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Joe Cocker, Lionel Richie, STYX, Phill Collins, Stevie Wonder, The Temptations, Hall and Oats, Foreigner, The Eagles, EMNEM, Nickle Back,Whinnie the Pooh, and Tigger Too, Humpty Dumpty, Just checking to see if any one Really Reads this Stuff!!!lol
Cool Slideshows
Dukes of Hazzard, Little house on the Prairy, The Waltons, The Incredible Hulk, Batman and Robin, Beavis and Butthead..
I really used to enjoy reading but time is so limited nowadays reading a good book falls down there with cleaning the back of the toilet (which we all love making time for, right?), but in the day, I read any and all Nicholas Sparks!
A hero to me is some one that has done, or can do something that I either can not or will not do.... So any one in the feild of medicine, Because some things were just not meant for me to see or do! Plumbers, need I say more!?! Deep sea Fishermen, i can't stand not knowing what's under me or how big it is!!! Those people that drink cleaning chemicals so that Poison Control knows exactly what to say to the hysterical parent who at 3:00 am got up to feed the baby half asleep grabbed that new Liquid Plummer Blast by mistake and unclogged his kids colon.