SaraSaysHi profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

G'day Howz it going? Just incase yer wondering, I'm Sara Pronunced Sarah Say it right, damit Unless you physically can't Then I might make an excpetion But apart from that, there is no excuse Moving on Some things you need to know Love me, Like me, Hate me? Who cares? I do I shouldn't But I do I but so does everyone I Then again, so does everyone As you can see, i'm pretty unoriginal I play the piano,trumpet and i am currently trying to teach myself guitar Its hard, but ill get there I am a purple belt in karate/kickboxing So I could beat ya up if I wanted to I choose not to Thats how nice I am I use waaay too many smileys on MSN To proove I am not a liar: Yes, its MSN Don't ask about the fsmail part i dunno i dance or i try to anyway You may like me because... i will probably like u back You may not like me because... I can be pretty weird But who cares? I do Add me please? x

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

No-one in particularExcept you =]