art of all kinds; making it, viewing it, talking about it, etc. I love travelling. I've been all over Europe in the last 5 years. Walking and enjoying the scenery. Mountain biking off road. Eating cheese, drinking fine beers. Sitting by the sea. Visiting friends and drinking tea while listening to music. Recording funny noises and sounds.
People with similar interests in music, art, performance, or whatever.
electroacoustic music, ambient, electro, noise, rockabilly, psychobilly, surf guitar music, 60's girl groups (especially dead teenage songs), Roy Orbison, Old Factory Records bands, Sigur Ros, The White Birch, Mazzy Star, Dome, Brian Eno, Harold Budd, Michael Brook, 70's Punk, Rose McDowall, Current 93, Shockheaded Peters, much more!
French New Wave, Surrealist films, canibal zombie movies of all kinds, Evil Dead, Kung Fu films, Science Fiction, Spagetti Westerns, anything with cyborgs.
New Doctor Who, New Battlestar Galactica, Star Gate
Bruno Schultz