Basically any thinking, living, changing person should be interested in just about everything except Pokemon.
Myself in 20 Years, ok so i know this sounds vain, but really i just want my future self to tell me all the mistakes I am going to make so I can avoid them. After that I wouldn't mind talking to Alexander the Great, Albert Einstein, Ramses the 2nd, Richard Dawkins, Carl Sagan, DaVinci, and about a thousand other people who are totally rad and interesting.
FOR MY own part, I have never had a thought which I could not set down in words with even more distinctness than that with which I conceived it. There is, however, a class of fancies of exquisite delicacy which are not thoughts, and to which as yet I have found it absolutely impossible to adapt to language. These fancies arise in the soul, alas how rarely. Only at epochs of most intense tranquillity, when the bodily and mental health are in perfection. And at those weird points of time, where the confines of the waking world blend with the world of dreams. And so I captured this fancy, where all that we see, or seem, is but a dream within a dream.
Army of Darkness, need I say more? Ok well then how about Big Trouble in little China? Ok but if you want something more serious... Gladiator, The 13th Warrior, DragonSlayer and Lord of the Rings. If you want more mainstream - There will be blood, American Beauty, The first Matrix Movie.
Watch "Bullshit!" on Showtime, its the most kickin show ever! Heroes, Dead Like Me, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Carnivale, Dexter
Books have changed my life, changed everything about me from A-Z, refined and reformed and reshaped and resurrected me and those around me. The pen is truly more mighty than the sword and when placed in the hands of masters can change the world.
All time Favorites:
Stranger in a strange land - Heinlen, Demon Haunted World - Carl Sagan, The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, The Seventh Sword trilogy - Duncan, The Complete Book of Swords - Saberhagen, The Cross Time Engineer series - Francheski; And the Sea will tell - Vincent Bugliosi, Jaws - Peter Benchly, most of Dave Duncans books, Most of Robert Heinlens Books, Lucifers Hammer by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, Dream Park by Niven and Barnes, The Chronicals of Amber series - Zelazny, Most of Piers Anthonys older work. DaVinci Code, Neuromancer - Gibson, Snow Crash, Zodiac - Stephensen, Fahrenheit 451 - Bradbury, The Stainless Steel Rat - Harrison, The Saga of Pliocene Exile - Julian May, Enders Game - O. S. Card
There are so many more!
Albert Einstein, Mel Brooks, George Carlin; Copernicus, Da Vinci and many more who choose to say what needed saying when it wasnt popular to say it and possibly even dangerous because it was logical. We are standing on the backs of these giants and only because of what these kind of people have done can we reach as high as we do. They inspire me to reach higher. To say the unsayable. To ride the edge of societal evolution.
"Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly." A. Einstein