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acme 400years fugazi sunnydayrealestate morrissey everytimeidie monsterx deadguy the smiths ottawa chokehold haveheart triplethreat nightslikethese asbloodrunsblack omegaman onbrokenwings converge wallsofjericho hourglass unbroken groundwork honeywell undying atlasshrugged blacklisted champion envyofangels 7angels7plagues orderofimportance scrog texasisthereason mineral inkwell youandi instil mouthpiece lifetime overcast shadowsfall pertermurphy movingunits struggle milhouse harvest mostpreciousblood chainofstrength johnnyangel judge quicksand youthoftoday gorrillabiscuits neworder u2 socialdistortion spazz slayer tradgedy fallingforward marsvolta thecure ashes dropdead boysnightout radiohead theclash shockwave deathangel drivelikejehu inside absinthe burntbythesun terrorizer itdiestoday napalmdeath northofamerica boltthrower morbidangel assuck 7yearswar kiddynamite hisheroesgone bloodlet uranus prayerforcleansing fromhereon inflames nonemoreblack suffocatefaster morningagain vanmorrison thebled undertow splinter bobdylan them theweddingpresent orchid turningpoint insted thecult meanseason despair fireside spiritofyouth refused coldplay seaweed ours turmoil entombed buddyholly elviscostello PromiseRing snowpatrol modernlifeiswar asthesunsets swingkids theconstantines blur bigaudiodynamitell 108 statue bold encounter splitlip endpoint outspoken downcast jihad charltansuk stoneroses happymondays thejesusandmarychain killwhitneydead sexpositions ryanadams lambofgod allshallperish circasurvive beloved sensefield damnationad starkweather thineeyesbleed huskerdu
TheDeparted ColdMountain Angela'sAshes EverythingisIlluminated Lastkiss InthenameoftheFather GangsofNewYork MichaelCollins Braveheart LastofTheMohicans BoondockSaints Miracle StarWars Slapshot Strangebrew Anchorman TheLordoftheRingstrilogy GardenState Radioflyer Youngblood
Biographies, Catcher in the Rye and The Giving Tree 3
Eamon de Valera,Mike carroll,Mike Vallely, Scott Stevens,Claude Limiuex and Daredevil