N8$ C!rcu$ Fr3@k $TD profile picture

N8$ C!rcu$ Fr3@k $TD

The day that love, opened our eyes we watch the world end.

About Me

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* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Light Blue
Hair Color:: Half Black Half Hot Pink
Height:: 5'8
Favorite Color:: Orange/Green/Black
Screen Name:: Depends Iris Raven or Luna Le Grave mostly
Favorite Band:: Marilyn Manson
Favorite Movie:: Rocky Horror Picture Show
Favorite Show:: Robot Chicken/Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Your Car:: Is a piece of shit
Your Hometown:: Anahiem, California, USA
Your Present Town:: Parker, Arizona, USA
Your Crushes First Name:: None
Your Grade:: Out Of School
Your Style:: My Own people call me Emo, Goth, Or a Freak
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: Yes
Kissed someone in the rain?: No i want to though
Danced in a public place?: Yes
Smiled for no reason?: Yes
Laughed so hard you cried?: Yes
Peed your pants after age 8?: o.O not that i recall
Written a song?: Yes
Sang to someone for no reason?: Yes
Performed on a stage?: No
Talked to someone you don't know?: All the time
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: Yes
Made out in a theatre?: Haha good times
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: Yes
Been in love?: Yes but I will never make that mistake again
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: o.O Can reacall
Tell you, I love you?: Eh.....
Kiss you?: None
Hug you?: None
Tell you BYE?: None
Write you a note?: Mikey
Take your photo?: Me
Call your cell phone?: None i hate phones
Buy you something?: Mom
Go with you to the movies?: Mary/Patrick
Sing to you?: None
Write a poem about you?: None
Text message you?: None
Touch you?: Me
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: Yesterday
Time you cried?: Today
Movie you watched?: Chains of Lust
Joke you told?: None
Song you've sang?: Love Like Winter by AFI
Time you've looked at the clock?: 7:02pm
Drink you've had?: None
Number you've dialed?: My House
Book you've read?: None i havent read in awhile
Food you've eaten?: Noodles plain ^^
Flavor of gum chewed?: Big Red
Shoes you've worn?: My shoes?
Store you've been in?: Lake Manor Market
Thing you've said?: Here you go ^^
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: Yes
Whistle?: Yes
Blow a bubble?: Yes
Roll your tounge in a circle?: No =(
Cross your eyes?: Yes
Touch your tounge to your nose?: No =(
Dance?: Depends if in sober or not
Gleek?: o.O WTF!?
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: Yes
Speak a different language?: Si
Impersonate someone?: No
Prank call people?: Yes
Make a card pyramid?: Kinda
Cook anything?: Yes i love to cook
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: Bird i would fly away?
I wish ...: I were an Oscar Meyer Weinner?
So many people don't know that ...: Im really a man
I am ...: The mother fucking princess
My heart is ...: Black and cold... who cares?
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Myspace Layouts

My Interests

well im interested in many things....but i keep it short... painting drawing listing to music...messing around with ppls....hell even just fuckin in general XD Biting and Getting Bitten + Candles + Chains + Dimples + Friends + Hand Cuffs + Life + Movies + Music + Pain + Piercings + Poking + Taking Pictures Of Anyone And Everyone + Tattoos + Toe Socks + Whips

I'd like to meet:

i would like you to meet my fist in your face....no no actually i really have no desire to meet any1. I know, i KNow...how sad right?No the only person i wanted to meet broke my heart.. and it killed me so thank him foreverthing...(coughs) and that would be Mikey

Sex, Kiss, Love, Etc.. by LolliPopChick069
Your Name...
Your Friendship... Is Truthful
Your Love... Is Desirable
Your Sex... Is...*blank stare*
Your Kiss... Is Friendly
Your Style... Is Unique

Quiz created with MemeGen !

My Comment Box
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fuck that you whores....if you want to know ask me fool


im in to horror movies mostly....like house of a thousand corpses....umm and rocky horror picture show....yeah....Saw 2, Land of the Dead....those kind....YEP YEP YEP


I don't care who you are. or how special you are. or how fake you are. stop trying to be something your not I hate when people call themselves scene your not scene anymore, you've changed the whole conduct of it. All it is, is fucking fashion now I fucking hate it, get real being scene is about the music dumb fuck by the way ill slaughter your family While you sleep


BOOKS! wow i read alot..so i really don't hve any ones i would like to share....since they r MINE!

My Blog


Far Away Lovei love you, you know its true but i cant love you that way for you are far away dont be mad just because i am sad but remember even though i cant see you my far away love doesnt meen i st...
Posted by !m th3 L@MB & y0u @r3 th3 $l@ught3r </3X10 on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 05:36:00 PST

Blah, blah, blah

-sighs- yeah this is my life a fuckign blog what the fuck is wrong with me. i have no fucking life.. -begins rant- fuck im a loser piece of shit, who no-one cares or even seems to love. i fucking hat...
Posted by !m th3 L@MB & y0u @r3 th3 $l@ught3r </3X10 on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 06:59:00 PST

& im sorry but htis is my fate everything its worthless and i dont want you to stay

Heres my good bye no-one will cry over me... im not worth any tears...that is how im feelign lately... i mean... im going to Disneyland for my Grad Night trip tomarrow and im not even happy about it.....
Posted by !m th3 L@MB & y0u @r3 th3 $l@ught3r </3X10 on Wed, 16 May 2007 12:34:00 PST

Las Vegas

well there isnt much to say about it... it was fun for awhile then i got tired of seeing all the fucking casinos... and plus... i was bored i didnt have anyone really to talk to... well yeah this is ...
Posted by !m th3 L@MB & y0u @r3 th3 $l@ught3r </3X10 on Fri, 04 May 2007 01:42:00 PST

I dont think you would understand

Eh yeah today has been a long sad depressing day i jsut dont see going on living like i am right now. im so dead inside... i dont feel anything for anyone. im sure youll hear me say i love you to some...
Posted by !m th3 L@MB & y0u @r3 th3 $l@ught3r </3X10 on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 03:02:00 PST

Prom ( April 21st, 2007)

Gawd i hated it.. it was boring and no-one wanted to dance.. no to mention that there where a few people i could live without there.. :S but anyways i stayed about 2 hours, then went home and got tra...
Posted by !m th3 L@MB & y0u @r3 th3 $l@ught3r </3X10 on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 10:38:00 PST

My 1st dream in like 8 moths ^^

Well yeah i dreamt last night ^^ i was happy at first. then i started to remember what is was about... i was in the bath tub.. and some strangled me to death.. o.O now i am terrifyed to go in to the b...
Posted by !m th3 L@MB & y0u @r3 th3 $l@ught3r </3X10 on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 12:49:00 PST

< If Used, fake, or Dead> * <Shoot me in the head>

 I cant believe he would do that but he did. I mean i couldnt  expect anymore of him. He says he wants to be controlled, yet everyone has free will. It was his choice to hurt me, use me. I t...
Posted by !m th3 L@MB & y0u @r3 th3 $l@ught3r </3X10 on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 10:00:00 PST


..> You Are Rum ..http://images.blogthings.com/whatalcoholicdrinkareyouquiz/ rum.jpg" height="100" width="100">You're the life of the party, and a total flirtYou are also pretty picky about what yo...
Posted by !m th3 L@MB & y0u @r3 th3 $l@ught3r </3X10 on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 06:30:00 PST

Another pretty face in a room full of whores...

Well yeah this is another day in my lifeim boredsad aloneand no-one caresit is fucking depressingbut you knowoh well ill livefor awhile til you know the urge for the blade comesthen there will be bloo...
Posted by !m th3 L@MB & y0u @r3 th3 $l@ught3r </3X10 on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 12:47:00 PST