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WELCOME TO THE SWEETEST MYSPACE PAGE OF ALL TIME !!NOT!! Whats up my name is Josh AKA"cereal,lunchbox,snugglebuttz" so you have some how got to my page so i might as well tell you about me....... Well im geek, nerd, dork, gamer,Music freak, super1337Hax0r. In other words most my time is Is diveded between My computer, My xbox 360, and my ipod.... did i mention i also like to work on cars but that doesnt sound nerdy enough so forget i siad that.... Well i live in the devils stomach "parker arizona" it gets really hot heres ("mommy my icecream melted")... i have a few friends here (jason amanda bubba and bud) but most of my friends are in michigan or litered threw out the country now.. Hmm i have a Beutiful wife wich has its ups and downs butt in the most part is pretty chilaxxed..Hmm i also have chosen a Straight edge life style so i refrian from drinking and doing drugs and having sex with multiple biatchs (dont wanna get that ther std, im also a Christan but I have a very alterative few on my beliefs that many die hard christians would disagree with so i will just call myself a "follower of christ".... well thats about all i can think of i mean if you can think of more why dont you tell me and ill add it mabye but dont sound like a richard about it..... well anyways peace out gotta go eat a sandwich How to contact me Aim- hardcorecereal secondlife- cereal hebert Xbox live- cereal 4 life