EricJ profile picture


THE Cisco Kid had killed six men in more or less fair scrimmages, had murdered twice as many, and ha

About Me

I am a comic book artist. I like to think I'm pretty sociable, but I think 'hermit' would describe me best at this moment, as mostly all I do is draw. :)

This here is a fun little ditty my friend and fellow comic artist Dave Bryant threw together that I just thought was a hoot(!), so I thought I'd share it with whosoever stumbles upon my page and does the clicky thing on it. :) Please make now with the clicky, put a smile on your face, and maybe show Dave a little love for his bit of whimsy, won't you? Create or get your
very own MySpace Layouts

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Comicbook writers, artists, publishers, you know the drill. Mostly I'd like to meet those that are fans of my work, and cool, fun people in general.

My Blog

Sorcerers, Apprentices, Dragons, and colds! uggh!

Grimm Fairy Tales 21 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' comes out everywhere this week. More fantasy work in my future? Could be sooner than anyone thinks. And, man, I hate colds!!!!!!!!!Read more on my blog...
Posted by EricJ on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 09:41:00 PST Redesigned, New and Improved, and Updated! :)

Dat da da DUM!!!! Folks I present to you the new and improved (ok, stop snickering already! :) )!!!! :)Please stop by, and, if you would, let me know what you think of the ol' gal now th...
Posted by EricJ on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 01:57:00 PST

Well THAT was fun.

So, um, yeah& Don't know if anyone noticed, but my Myspace page was M.I.A. for about 24 hours. It was not fun, to say the least, getting a 'This person either cancelled their account or was deleted' e...
Posted by EricJ on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 02:44:00 PST

And now what youve all been (hopefully) waiting for&

NEW WORK, by me, coming soon to a shop near you!!Yeah, I know, it seems like I just dropped off the face of the earth. Not so, but I can see where you guys would come to that conclusion. The truth is ...
Posted by EricJ on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 06:43:00 PST

Cycle of futility/ stupidity

You know, I love, LOVE, inking my own work. Most pencilers I know do, but most of them are smart enough to know that it's not possible most of the time. Me? Nope. Before and after I'm done with a page...
Posted by EricJ on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 08:49:00 PST

Damn IT!!!!!!!

Just saw that The Jesus and Mary Chain is coming to town soon. I loves me some TJMC (in fact one of my first concerts was seeing them& with NIN opening, OPENING, yes, I am cool ;P), BUT, beyond the fa...
Posted by EricJ on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 03:32:00 PST

Wizardworld Chicago

Okay, howdy folks! I know this is a tad on the, you know, last minute side, seeing as how it's starting today and all, but I am in the greater Chicagoland area at this very moment and will be hitting ...
Posted by EricJ on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 05:04:00 PST

In Chicago at a comic shop, Come say hellooooooooo :p

What up, peeps? If you're in the Chicago area I'm hanging at Amazing Fantasy in Frankfort until 6-ish. Don Kramer (Dectective Comics artist for those of you not in the know) is here signing and sellin...
Posted by EricJ on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 09:36:00 PST

500 Friends

OK, dammit! Last time I noticed my friends total it was 499, and then, somehow I missed 500, and now I've got 501. Not that I'm bitching, but 500 is one of those round numbers that I just feel should ...
Posted by EricJ on Sat, 26 May 2007 02:52:00 PST


I had shit to write, but I'm in such a foul mood after the Chargers loss to the Patriots it's all coming out uncharacteristically bitter, so I'm not going to write it.Damned bad days, I hate them. One...
Posted by EricJ on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 10:57:00 PST