Jordan profile picture



About Me

I laugh when people fall - and I don't even try to hide it. I laugh at myself on a regular basis. I love dogs (especially my little monster), chocolate, all things Texan and Italian, TiVo, sports and am easily distracted by sparkly things. I speak Italian. I am terrified of spiders and the Exorcist. I have a deep hatred for grammatical errors. Ouzo is the devil.

My Interests

Italian Greyhounds, Texas, Italy, opera, karaoke, traveling, sports


death cab for cutie, david bowie, jack johnson, the beatles, pat green, the postal service, frou frou, queen, willie nelson, U2, johnny cash, def leppard, my chemical romance, brand new, the used, taking back sunday, cobra starship, kansas, journey, ac/dc, bloc party, carmen consoli, tom petty, the stereo, travis, rufus waiwright, ryan adams, snow patrol, ok go, damien rice, poison, and the list goes on...


the godfather, l'ultimo baccio, garden state, shark attack 3: megalodon (no, seriously. this movie is great!)


I never used to watch tv...and then I got TiVo....and I fell in love with - the office, lost, heroes, house and anything on the discovery channel. I love Mike Rowe!


the time traveler's wife, the divine comedy, il fu mattia pascal, animal farm, wicked



My Blog

well, here I am

so. I swore up and down that I wouldn't get on myspace. and yet, here I am. I blame Brook. Of course, I blame Brook for a lot of shopping habit, bad movies, and global warming, just to nam...
Posted by Jordan on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 08:25:00 PST