The start:
I am the luckiest person in the world.
With 16 years experience, 70 flights, 14 countries and a bajillion footsteps of backpacking - I have become a traveler, an explorer , an adventure.
Places that have been untouched, shimmering with inches of polished enchantment over write my memories. The times in my life I've enjoyed the best have been thousands of kilometers from my bed. Dusty roads, sandy feet, bamboo bunks.
And it tears me up. Because it's all so god damned gorgeous. So I feel like I need to scream it, to whisper it into every open ear. To puke out, what swallows me up.And that's what makes me, a little bit different from the others.
Because I have witnessed the unbelievable. Because I have seen it. Because this is what I do.
It makes me interesting.
And it's great. You should try it.
The world's to big to hate and way to awesome to ignore.
There's my two sense on why traveling is the best thing ever.
The end.
He is awesome .
My real name is Imke Sandra Hanscomb.
It means Honey Bee!.
I want to have what it takes.
I am my own project.
Work in progress.
Where ever I'm going, I'll get there on my own.
There is something so irresistibly charming about Ewan. Mmm , delicious.
Note: that this is the page my ONLY personal account on the web [other then FaceBook which I use under a different name for local friends, etc]
Proof Video.
[ Don't 'whore' me or asked to be whore. I don't even know how that works lol =)]
P.s. I get plenty of requests a day and my inbox fills up pretty fast so, if i don't
-comment back, or message you back its nothing personal
I ♥
.. .. ..
14000 KM From Home
At Least Were Not Alone..
Voice Comments
Proof Video.
Uneven Footsteps.
Oh Shit! Carbs Rock