VIDEOKIDD! profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

' You Say You Want A Revolution, Well You Know, We all Wanna Change the World'.
I'm Videokidd!&&

Guess what?
"I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together." - Beatles ..

Throughout my entire life I've always had extreme trouble deciphering fiction from reality. To this day, I'm not quite sure if it is beneficial or not.

I think I would rather rock 101 styles with synthetics and falsely large lashes than break it down in grey.
Its an open opinion that will put your nervous existence on demand. You speak up, they speak up. We all already know that, obviously - its what gets you in trouble.
But vicious slurs play there parts & thats ok. And still we have a lot to learn, farther more to go.
& Honestly. I would rather be jumping in puddles or sitting with a crayon and paper in my lap while sipping a chilled tea. I would rather be a vintage junkie and adore it than walk out of a mall with jeans that the girl two lockers down already has. I would rather be out holding doors open, jumping the sidewalks and laughing at my own jokes than sitting on my ass fantasizing about it. I would rather- I would rather, to be frank.
And rathering is what gets me in trouble.
I don't give a fuck if you don't swing my style. I ran across your head, this is not a trick. Pay attention.
But I don't appreciate it when some 40 year old shares her smokers cough in my ear as she spits out some old neglected word about how she doesn't like me. Then don't like me, just don't breathe on me.
Or when someone tries to define the word originality and explain reasons of how I don't really fit. Good, bad explanations are no explanations at all.
But I do like it when someone pops there phone cam in my face and says 'Cool Dood' or when the local girls think I've got something to give.
Its very nice. It's worth my time.
My advice is to learn to love anything about you that makes you different. Let it be your crooked fingers, if you like to dip your eggs in syrup, if you still play Pogs or if you were never one to hang with the girls - but always kicked it back with the guys. If you talk with a lisp, or like soggy cornflakes or even if your like me, and have the unforgiving gap in the front teeth.
Were all just fishes in a big bowl, now where would the fun be if we were all just golden.
And the band begins to play. .
I'm 16 years old and just a real girl in a small artsy little town.
I am extremely impulsive and I've got the 2 most amazing people in the whole world to be my best friends. :) I also look stupid when I smile and still have 6 baby teeth I want gone.
Do it for the monsters under your bed
This is how cool we are
Watch with sound.

I run my own indie label
Check it out.
See How They Fly Like Lucy In The Sky.
For those hundreds of messages asking about my falls / synthetic exentions check out the 2 places i buy from.. My all time favorite:
Libertinas Revamp

I love to write. Read my Blogs? Located in Heroes Section.

My Interests

The start:
I am the luckiest person in the world. With 16 years experience, 70 flights, 14 countries and a bajillion footsteps of backpacking - I have become a traveler, an explorer , an adventure.
Places that have been untouched, shimmering with inches of polished enchantment over write my memories. The times in my life I've enjoyed the best have been thousands of kilometers from my bed. Dusty roads, sandy feet, bamboo bunks.
And it tears me up. Because it's all so god damned gorgeous. So I feel like I need to scream it, to whisper it into every open ear. To puke out, what swallows me up.And that's what makes me, a little bit different from the others. Because I have witnessed the unbelievable. Because I have seen it. Because this is what I do.
It makes me interesting.

And it's great. You should try it.
The world's to big to hate and way to awesome to ignore.

There's my two sense on why traveling is the best thing ever.

The end.

He is awesome .

My real name is Imke Sandra Hanscomb.
It means Honey Bee!.
I want to have what it takes.
I am my own project.
Work in progress.
Where ever I'm going, I'll get there on my own.
There is something so irresistibly charming about Ewan. Mmm , delicious.

I'd like to meet:

Note: that this is the page my ONLY personal account on the web [other then FaceBook which I use under a different name for local friends, etc]

Proof Video.

[ Don't 'whore' me or asked to be whore. I don't even know how that works lol =)]

P.s. I get plenty of requests a day and my inbox fills up pretty fast so
, if i don't
-comment back, or message you back its nothing personal I ♥


.. .. ..


CONTACT: [email protected]


14000 KM From Home
At Least Were Not Alone..

Voice Comments


Proof Video.

Uneven Footsteps. Oh Shit! Carbs Rock

My Blog


THIS IS A CONTINUED BLOG. The first one is called '14000 Km Away from Home.". This is the continuation as I finish up, because sadly I ran out of room on the other one. I know thats annoying. This is ...
Posted by VIDEOKIDD! on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 07:47:00 PST


PROOF VIDEO: I'll get a new one soon. is my only online personal pro.[ Other then my Facebook, which is under a personal name for local friends and shite]FAKES:http://www.bebo.c...
Posted by VIDEOKIDD! on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 10:59:00 PST

At Least Were not Alone

Its not about the amount of punches yoo throw. Or the words yoo can so blindly spit out. Its not about how big yoo are, how strong.. how wrong.No, its about me. Us.The freaks.I can so easily ignore a ...
Posted by VIDEOKIDD! on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 08:58:00 PST


Posted by VIDEOKIDD! on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 07:23:00 PST