Nicole profile picture


Don't try to fix me, I'm not broken

About Me

I party, drink and then say that I won't drink that much again next time...yeah just like the rest of you. I wanted to be a photographer when I was younger, so now I own Zanphotography, and just started Personal Paparazzi (a personal event photography project). So now, you don't have to message me and ask what I do, or how I got pretty pictures of myself. I am smart, and I will work hard for what I love until I get it, or get really close! I have ADD so don't talk to me for a long time, my head switches around constantly, when your talking to me and you see my eyes wondering around the lost me at hello...LOL thats funny i just made that up. I love to socialize, meaning you will run into me everywhere, and man it's so great, after I have had a few martinis I always seem to meet the most attractive interesting people. I have a brain people, do not ask me what I think about politics or religion if you don't expect a real answer, and no I don't get my ideas from the news. It's always one sided anyway. I don't add people on here if I don't think I would be interested in getting to know them, so sorry that when I looked at your 40 year old ass and saw nothing but playmates as your top friends and decided not to add you. I love culture, so I date a lot of people who are not white American, don't ask me why I only date middle easterns or whatever you want to call them. I will tell you and you won't like it unless your from a different culture. If you add my site, then I will expect you to add Zanphotography site too, and you better like it. It's the first one in my top friends list. Check out the web site.... Get your own free cool template at
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My Interests

Salsa Dancing, drinking Vodka, working, buying stuff, Hey you know what, there are other things I am interested in but I am writing this so I can relate to you.Book us for your next party or event!MY DRINK

Myspace Layouts

Myspace Layouts

Myspace Graphics

Myspace Graphics

Myspace Graphics

Myspace Graphics

Myspace Graphics

Myspace Graphics

Myspace Graphics

Myspace Graphics

Myspace Graphics

Myspace Graphics

Payam's Bday @ my loft
Some New Headshots Compliments of Luis, (The Man) supposed to look upset and stuff, what do you think? I love Martini' 5 of themTHis is what I am interested in...for now

Myspace Layouts

What time is it?

I'd like to meet:

Meeting new people is never a waste of time. As long as your alive. I hate meeting dead people, they stink and they never make any sense. I Have Many Different Faces

Myspace Codes:

SOME OLDIES AND SOME RECENT.... Get Your Own! | View Slideshow


Okay you asked for it! THis is me! Totally Raw! Wet hair, No Makeup, No Contacts, No Retouching! If you Still Love me then YEAH!!!I drive a beetle...shut upI have hazel eyes...exactly like this


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I love movies Hey if you haven't seen The Notebook then see it. really.Are you drinking 1% cause you think your fat?It's so hot!...Milk was a bad choice!!!Me and my bro when we were little angels!!!


I only watch Spongebob, it's the only intelligent show on...

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Why is it that when you sit at your table at home, and your eating cereal, you feel this desire to read whatever is on the table, mags, cereal box, can of green just read it all..why not all the time, why the cereal time?Me & Tara!!!


Myspace Layouts

Here's the person who gave birth to me!!

My Blog

Questions rolling through my head

These questions do not all neccessarily apply to me, but sometimes I think about them.     Why doesn't anyone want to be with a person who cares for them and loves them?   Why do peopl...
Posted by Nicole on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 01:10:00 PST

Little Things

Okay so everyone has traits and characteristics about themselves, that the people who are close to them either love or hate. When I am close to someone, it's the little things about them that stick ou...
Posted by Nicole on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 01:32:00 PST

I Drunk Dial!!!!

If you know me and are close to me, a little, then i probably have already drunk dialed or text you. I hope that I can adhere to these simple rules, and I have posted them here for your discretion. &n...
Posted by Nicole on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 02:59:00 PST

Your Life

Okay, so you think you know about love?  Or maybe you don't want to know, so you steer clear and look the other way when it's standing in front of you.  I don't claim to know either, actuall...
Posted by Nicole on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 11:36:00 PST