To be creative.. Painting, drawing, sewing, modelling, carving..
And I love music. Unfortunately I can..t play any instruments, but i love to listen.
Most of all I love to travel!
Interesting people... Leonardo da Vinci.
Queen Adreena, Daisy Chainsaw, Hanin Alias, Doors, David Bowie, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, Carl Orff, Gasolin, Røde Mor, Steppeulvene, Alrune Rod, Pink Floyd, L' Amouder, Garbeage, Skunk Anansie, Sorten Muld, Guns 'n Roses, Pearl Jam, Dizzy mizz Lizz, Björk, Dead can Dance, Frank Zappa, Gåte(Gaate), Blackmores Night, Jimi Hendrix, Leonard Cohen, Nirvana, Gramsespektrum, Live, Kula Shaker, Sort Sol, Miranda Sex Garden, Nudeswirl, Marilyn Manson, Korn... and more!
In random: Requiem for a Dream, Cube, Memento, Interview with a vampire, City of lost Children, Boys don..t Cry, Being John Malkovich, The Gift, The Pillow Book, The Governess, Donnie Darko, Disco Pigs, Disney Classics, Rosemarys Baby, Nightmare before Christmas, American Beauty, Amélie, Magnolia, The Labyrinth, Dark City, Kill Bill 1, 2, The Lord of the Rings 1, 2, 3..
Twin Peaks, Riget, Simpsons, South Park, Dark Angel, Heksene fra Warren Manor..
Among others:
Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings 1, 2, 3, The Hobbit.
Judith Merkle Riley: The Oracle Glass(Den Falske Markise), The Master of All Desires(Troldmandens Hovede). The Serpent Garden(Portrætmalersken).
Philip Pullman: The trilogy of the Northern Lights (The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, The Amber Spyglass).
Serge Le Tendre + Regis Loisel: La Quete de L' Oiseau du Temps(Jagten på Tidsfuglen).
Albert Camus: La Chute(Faldet), L'Etranger(Den Fremmede).
Ray Bradbury: The Martian Chronicles(Krøniker fra Mars).
Erica Jong: Fanny, being the True History of Fanny Hackabout-Jones.
Anne Rice: Pandora.
Don..t have any