Surfact profile picture


Busting our asses to finish album

About Me

Band bio
Surfact is a great example on a classic rock group - one of the kinds that are based on: “one for all and the world against us.” Since the start of 2003 Surfact has tried to manage things themselves. They never sat down waiting for somebody to secure their fame – but instead relied on their own talent and chose to expose their music via concerts and web-communities, knowing that the music business has changed radically. Surfact had an American manager and played venues like The Viper Room in LA and Mercury Lounge in NY, way before they got their record deal. They have played hundreds of gigs both in Denmark and foreign countries only based on a self financed demo-EP, and have grown to be one of the biggest Danish bands here on MySpace. In August 2006 Surfact won the talent competition “Starfighters” at “Danmarks Smukkeste Festival” arranged by the national radio station P3, MTV Denmark and the national music magazine GAFFA. Latest news is that the song “Monkey on your back” from the debut album is featured in the American Miramax movie “The Lookout” written by Scott Frank who also wrote “Minority Report” and “Get Shorty”.
So far it has been only hard work for the five members of the band and the release of the debut album “Terrific Downfall” will show if it was worth it. The reception of the first single “Soulslide” indicates that somebody has noticed the band: 1 on MTV’s viewer chart “Fahrenheit” for 4 weeks in a row (so far 7 weeks in top 3), 1 on the download site Urban-Payload, airplay on national radio and currently 4 on the national music video chart Boogie – where the host foresees Surfact’s breakthrough in 2007.
Somehow, this is all the result of a musical statement. Surfact is playing rock music, a counterpart to the grunge of the 1990s, which conquered the world with bands like Nirvana, Soundgarden and Alice in chains. Today, some people claim that this kind of music is outdated. However, it’s still a genre with a huge international resonance, personified by the survivors from Pearl Jam as the all time ambassadors of grunge. Judging by the many comments here on Surfact’s MySpace profile, this is certainly music which draws a lot of fans even in 2007.
Surfact called the debut album “Terrific Downfall”; an oxymoronic comment to all the bullshit that the band has been given from the so called “music police” – and at the same time a statement that the ups and downs have been absolutely amazing. The music is heavy, hard and melodic – carried by glowing guitars, a steady rhythm section, a confident lead singer and a band playing well together. The songs are based on the reality of these very musicians – stories about friends and enemies, disappointments and crashed relationships, romances and humiliations, drugs and waste of talent.
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My Interests


Member Since: 3/6/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:

Guitar & Music

Guitar & Lyrics


Drums & Vocals

Influences: Nirvana, A Perfect Circle, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Deftones, Ben Harper, Pearl Jam, Muse, Bush, Kashmir, Silverchair...
Sounds Like: Sød DødsMetal!
Record Label: Transistor Music/Bonnier Amigo Music
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Working hard on the album.

Hey fellow rockers We are sorry we have been a bit invisable lately. We are in this moment writing  new songs for the second album. The songs so far are fantastic! Therefore we have decided to ex...
Posted by Surfact on Wed, 21 May 2008 10:47:00 PST

Free guestlist Friday, 2 gigs coming up!

We are continuing our tour around Denmark. This Friday we play Elværket in Holbæk, Support ; Lily electric and we are happy to announce that we have a free guestlist! Answer this bullitin with your na...
Posted by Surfact on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 11:17:00 PST

Tour and album recordings moving on!

We are continuing our tour tonight in Slagelse Musikhus. We are as always exited to play live, but also we are thrilled with the making of the new album. So far we have recorded 3 songs: Back on the s...
Posted by Surfact on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 04:10:00 PST

Sold out first show, tour is rolling!

We started our spring tour last Saturday in Lyngby with a sold out show at termplet. Great feeling to play live again and thanks to all you people who packed the place,.and sorry to everyone who could...
Posted by Surfact on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 04:21:00 PST

Here we go touring again, Join the fun!

Our spring tour that takes us around Denmark the next months kicks in tomorrow. We are exited, and hopefully not to rusty. It is the first time in our career we have not played live for more than 3 mo...
Posted by Surfact on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:01:00 PST

Album recording has begun!

    We are happy to announce that we have now officielly started the recording of our new album. The first 2 songs we are recording are: "Back on the scene" a hard rocking uptempo song ...
Posted by Surfact on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 01:06:00 PST

New old songs on the space...

Hey friendsWe have uploaded 3 new old songs from the debut album : Suppression, Track 4 and end of me. Go check them out. We are working hard on the new album and we look forward uploading brand new s...
Posted by Surfact on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 04:04:00 PST

Get ready Jylland (Århus og Herning)

We are playing our 2 final gigs of 2007 in Århus Thursday (Studenterhuset 22pm) and in Herning Friday (Fermaten 22pm). 2007 has been an great year and the expectations of 2008 are even higher. We have...
Posted by Surfact on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 11:18:00 PST


DANSK Hey allesammen Vi er stolte af at kunne fortælle at videoen til vores 3. single 'Make You Fail' stadig er på Boogie listen på en flot 6. plads. Vi takker for alle stemmerne og opfordrer igen til...
Posted by Surfact on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 03:22:00 PST


Så lykkedes det for 3. gang at komme ind på Boogie Listen. Denne gang er det "Make you fail" der er gået ind som nr. 4 (vores højeste placering til dato). Vi takker alle for stemmerne og håber i vil g...
Posted by Surfact on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 07:28:00 PST