Relevant Elephant profile picture

Relevant Elephant

Finest Purveyors of Rock Steady Hip Hop Mambo

About Me

Relevant Elephant started out life as a five piece funk-pop band in 1991, with much growth and evolution they metamorphasised into the wonderfully eclectic, purely British hip hop act you see before you.In November 1997 they were spotted on the other side of the water by Bomb Hip Hop Records (San Francisco) USA, with their debut demo single Roughed Up which was due for release in 1998 on the compilation album Contents Under Pressure. However the US audience found it difficult to contemplate the new sound coming out of the UK and the Relevant Elephant sound was not universally appreciated. Both Bomb Hip Hop and Relevant Elephant reluctantly, in the face of such adversity, had to admit defeat and the single was dropped from the promo and subsequently Bomb Hip Hop released Contents Under Pressure Elephant free in the summer of 1999.Things went quiet for a year, whilst the Elephants chewed the cud and re-appraised their musical approach: Can you imagine? The greatest super-power since the British Empire had rejected their fresh, enthusiastic and yet delectable beats, shunned their colloquial, charming and yet vaguely authorative linguistic gymnastics, this was a dark period for the herd and I am glad you were not there to see and hear the consequences of their soul searching.After ruminating, it was unanimously agreed that the Elephants were right all along and they started producing their attractive rhythms and uniquely delectable beats once more.Next came the possibility of an Australian release! The compilation album Kingz of Steel was released in the summer of 2002 on the One Eight Three label, with the Relevant Elephant track Predictable Beats proving to be a very popular element of this energetic mix of hardened professionals and first time vinyl acts. Their Antipodean success enthused the Elephants to start widening their musical prowess further and so after years of being lost in the elephant graveyard of world wide culture Relevant Elephant are creating the sub bass growl that rumbles beneath the beat of the worlds music creationists..inexplicable Hip Hop...enjoy!

My Interests


Member Since: 4/21/2006
Band Website: Technical ineptitude prevents web page creation
Band Members:


are Relevant Elephant



giving a helping hand.
Influences: If it is good music then we love it.

Relevant Elephant recommend you check out , , and for some of the best good music!

Join the Global Herd of

Relevant Elephant !

Sounds Like: We are the finest purveyors of rock steady hip hop mambo, which we believe sums up the Relevant Elephant sound. If you think differently, tell us who you think we sound like, we would love to know....

Record Label: None at present.......
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Why we is avoiding you'se

Sorry folks, The Lord Biggs and X-Wide P have both been really busy with life related stuff, so unfortunately we have been neglecting the myspace related folk...and for that we apologise. Send us some...
Posted by Relevant Elephant on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 07:34:00 PST

So many steps ahead I have to speak in the past tense

You'll have to forgive us.   We had this big idea that we'd get all our equipment up and running again and then just go and live in the studio 24/7, making drums go baboom, tick, tick, boom, pap...
Posted by Relevant Elephant on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 11:10:00 PST


Just a quick blog tonight as I am ever so slightly drunk and a little tired on me old feet (even if an elephant doesn't technically have any knees, we still need to sit down once in a while). We love ...
Posted by Relevant Elephant on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 03:26:00 PST

I'm skipping through the meadows with my AKG

That's right Relevant Elephant are in light mood as we type this blog, two main reasons, not only have we got the main Sharks Almighty! studio up and running we have also got the sub studio Wideboy-cu...
Posted by Relevant Elephant on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 08:21:00 PST

Giving more grief than an army of Darth Vaders (in Yorkshire)

Firstly we would like to say thank you to all of you that voted for Relevant Elephant on the Channel 4 - Popworld Promotes web site for unsigned bands, we managed to get to number 30 in the charts out...
Posted by Relevant Elephant on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 12:58:00 PST

Relevant Elephant break into the Top 40!!

Well not quite Top of the Pops, although that appears to be a dying breed so not too much of an issue, although if they were to ask us to perform for their dying swan episode I am sure we could m...
Posted by Relevant Elephant on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 04:23:00 PST

I'm the two tongued triple table turning tongue twister..

The summer sunshine is here and to celebrate the warmer weather we have uploaded a couple of new tracks for your listening pleasure. Taken from the depths of the Relevant Elephant music vaults......
Posted by Relevant Elephant on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 04:12:00 PST

Vote for Relevant Elephant (on Channel 4!!)

No we are not on Big Brother 7 - we are on Pop World!! Check out our presence on the new Channel 4 - PopWorld web site Table, Td{ } a img{ filter:invert, ; } a:hover img{ filter:invert, alpha(opacit...
Posted by Relevant Elephant on Fri, 26 May 2006 01:28:00 PST

I'm so nice people sometimes call me Summa Samba

Finally, after both eons and ages we've got our beautiful studio, Sharks Almighty!, up and running again. I wont go into the tedious specifics, you wont be interested just enough to say weve got power...
Posted by Relevant Elephant on Tue, 23 May 2006 01:37:00 PST

I'm staying calmer than the Dalai Lama

Well we have been with MySpace for less than a few days and already we are seriously impressed with the lovely people who roam the interweb being nice to folk, what a great space MySpace is! Me a...
Posted by Relevant Elephant on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 12:59:00 PST