Jhellie profile picture



About Me

people always have an impression that i bite or i'd swallow them alive, prob'ly coz of the kilay (hey, i lowered the arch na noh!), when actualy, i like whippin' people's asses off.. hehe! i ain't a goody- goody(i hate people like that!) but i'm not totally a devil either..(a devil's advocate probly!;p) well, i can be your worst nightmare or your greatest bestfriend..(you hafta pick one lang.. nothin in the middle..that's how extreme i am!;p) first impressions really count for me,(i most of the time have negative imps though, but you hafta prove me wrong coz i usually end up being really good friends with those people i hated and bullied at first.hehe..) i am brutally frank (but only coz i think it'l b best for both of us if im honest), i say what i mean and mean what i say, unless i say it's a joke or sumthin..i can be really moody, untolerable and unpredictable, but hey, that's the spice of being my friend! cge na nga, i'l stop na.. hey, i'm not really a bad person as you might think now yknow.. im a good friend really..very loyal..i have my friends as witnesses to that! :) i'm the epitome of FUN! :) yowza!!

My Interests

boys! boys! boys! and a lot more... ;p

I'd like to meet:

whoever..just wana have alotta friends... i'm open to meet new people also..:)


nothing in particular... depends on my moods...


SWAT, Italian Job, Legally Blonde, American Pie, (2)Fast&(2)Furious, Girlfight, Tomb Raider... etc


math and science books! (ang yabang... ;p )