Sexy~1~4~U profile picture


U want it...come get it

About Me

Hey!! This ya girl!! Im 19 love to live on the wild side and love to be here to met friends and get to know some people...Ima stay on my grind..while i be on mine..stay up...and watch out I mite just want u!
About You
Age: 19
Gender: All Woman!
Sexual Orientation: Stricly Dickly
Are you are virgin?: LMAO...No
Do you like having sex?: Yea
When was the last time you had it?: About a week ago
With who?: Nonya
When did you loose your virgingity if you did?: 15
Did you like the experience?: Yea
What happened?: We fucked what u think
Where was it?: On a train
What kind of things do you do when you have sex?: LOL...Why don't u find out
Oral?: Giving and Taking
Anal?: SHHH...thats a secret
Do you mastubate?: Yea
If so, how do you do it?: My hand...or a dildo
Do you use sex toys?: Yea
Have you ever got caught?: No
Have you ever masturbated with someone of the same sex?: NO
Opposite sex?: Yes
Have you ever had sex with the opposite sex?: Yea
What was it like?: It was off da hook
Do you watch porn?: Yea
What kind?: All Kinds
Is it fun?: Yea
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You've been totally Bzoink*d
First is YOU--
name: Ash
age: 20
place where u r: Home
okay LOVE--
have a crush: No
have a bf/gf: Had one
do u love them: I did
do they kno it: Yes they did
do they love u bac: so they said
would u ever cheat on them: No
have u ever cheated on them: No
do u ever think that they've cheated on u: They did
do u confront them with this: Hell yea i did
do they kno ur taking this survey: No
would u rather dump them or have them dump u: don't matter we not together no more
love: 2 years ago
kiss: wayyy backkk
date((time u went somewhere with ur bf/gf)): ??
crush: ??
time u sed i luv u to someone ((excludind ur family)): about 1 year ago..and i souldn't have done it...only to get hurt
bf/gf: ??
cut someone: lol...yea
been paid to go out with someone: no
pttied someone and gone out with them becuz of it: no
sed i love you when u didnt mean it: no
kissed someone and then thought u shouldnt have kissed them: no
regretted feelings u had for someone: no
thought u shouldnt have done something with ur bf/gf: no
cursed ur bf/gf out: Hell yea
regretted saying or not saying something to ur bf/gf: no
not said i love you bac to ur bf/gf: no
had ur bf/gf not say i love you bac: yes
dated someone for their looks: Yes
dated someone for the wrong reasons ((u decide on ur reasons)):
dated someone to prove something to someone: no
had ur relationship doubted: It's ova
had ur bf/gf leave witout telling u: no
had ur bf/gf kiss you and u didnt kiss them bac: Yes
wanted to just slap ur bf/gf silly: Have done it
told ur friends a lie about a relationship: No
turned someone down: Yes
rejected someone for the wrong reasons: Yes
kissed before going out: Yes
told a lie to anyone to cover up a relationship: no
been forbidded from seeing someone: no
thought that ur bf/gf was so stupid u couldnt believe that u were with them: Yes!!
been alone with them and done nothing: Yes
slept in the same bed as them without doind anything: No
thought they were really immature: Yes
questioned ur reasons to go out with them: No
still wanted to go out with someone who had cheated on u: NO
still wanted to go out with someone after u found out what they wanted: Yes
wanted to do something and they didnt: Yes
not wanted to do something that they did: Yes
lied to them: No
marry them: who?? im single
have kids with them: one day i want kids
spend the night with them and then not see them again for a week: if the sex is great
break up with them right now: LOVE SUCKS!
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My Interests

chillin wit my girls, i love my x box, and watching basketball.
Name: Ash
Sex: All Women
Age: 20
When was the first time you had sex: 15
When was the last time you had sex: about a week ago
Who was your first: Issac
Who was your last: Jared
Who was the best: Greg...that nigga made me cum about 10 times not lie
Who was the worst: issac
Do you like sex: Hell Yea
Do you use toys: Yea
Do you like toys: They ok
what are your fetishes: Men
Would you ever
give head: Yea
eat out: No
do anal: Maybe
finger: Myself
give a hand job: Yea
have a threesome: No
foursome: No
more: No
more things about you
how many times in one day have you had sex: I don't know
how many times a day do you like to have sex: when eva im horney
how many times have youu sucked a dick: can't count
ate out: Can't count
fucked: can't count
are you horny: Yes
do you wanna be: Fucked??? yea
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I'd like to meet:

Ya Man!


R&B, Rap, Hip Hop


mostly anything


i don't watch much tv..unless the game is on


Zane books