..–appologies for inline style– ..
Dance Music, Sound engineering, Speaker design and acoustics, sound systems, ALL MUSIC, dancing my heart out, youth work, Festivals!, child care, freedom fighter, exploring, hiking, BMX off road biking, singing, making music.
I would love to meet the person who came up with the amen break and those pioneers that brought us dance music back in the 8o's.
Liam Howlett - The Prodigy. Bob Marley,Danny Ramplin, Peter Tosh, Dj Phantasy, Jesus, The Funkadelics, Billy Holiday, Bill wethers, The Amazon Women Tribe(a tribe in the Amazon, Brazil), My grand parents, Kenny Ken, Jumping Jack Frost, The Roots, Free stylers.
Your Personality Profile
You are funky, outdoorsy, and down to earth.
While you may not be a total hippie...
You're definitely one of the most free spirited people around.
You are very impulsive - every day is a new adventure.
However, you do put some thought behind all your actions.
Still, you do tend to shock and offend people from time to time!
The World's Shortest Personality Test
Your Love Style is Agape
You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner.
Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare.
You are willing to sacrfice your world for your sweetie.
Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you.
For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love.
What's Your Love Style?
You Are From Uranus
You shine with brilliant creativity, and you're more than a little eccentric.
You love everything unusual and shocking. You're one far-out chick or dude.
Anything unconventional excites you - and you have genius potential.
Just don't let your rebel side get the best of you, or else you'll alienate everyone.
Your original thinking and funky attitude is all you need to be you.
What Planet Are You From?
Any type of Breakbeat inc Funk, Soul, jazz and Disco. I love listening to Reggea, Dub, Ska and Roots!! They are great soul music and the positive lyrics inspire me. Old skool hardcore and Jungle/ Drum n Bass is my first love. I also like Classical, Euphoria, Jungle Techno,ACID HOUSE, Techno, UK Hip Hop, Trip Hop, Rythm and Blues. As a person of west indian heritage I grew up listening to Calispo, Reggea and Soca. My main infuleunces come from my Dad. My dad plays the lead steel drum in a steel band and has done since he was a small boy (for about 50 years) and he has been part of many different bands, The united steel band, Steel and Ivory and The Crusaders. The Crusaders had a dramatic infuleunce on his life as they took him to the best part of his career when they appeared on a British talent show in the 70's called OPPOTUNITY KNOCKS hosted by Hewie Green. As a child I used to watch as he loaded his yellow Bedford van with all of the bands equipment. The bass guitar, 2x bass steel drums, Lead steel drum, The bongo drum, Key board, mics along with all the stands, cables and leads. He would sometimes take me to his gigs at our local faits and fairs and I would watch him as he practised at home in the back room. He taught me how to play the steel drums and paid for me to learn the Spanish guitar in which I reached grade 2. My mum never complained about the level of music in our house and all of her 8 kids would be blearing out Jungle, Reggea and Oldskool(original Hardcore), Raregroove, Swing and Soul. One of my favourite songs is DIRTY CASH from the early ninties and the tune 'music is so wondiful'.
My fave movie is Shaw Shank Redemption. It has a brilliant meaning and a great example of how striving to be what you should be will come to you with patients and hope.I also enjoy romantics, thrillers, action and horror movies
I don't watch TV really to much negetive temptations and I am too busy for TV, but I will try and catch Eastenders if I can!
Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry, Of Mice and Men.
Martin L King, Bob Marley, John Peel, kunta kentay, Liam Howlet, My Mum and Dad.EXODUS SOUND SYSTEM