Music, guitar, piano, concerts, drink, smoke,make parties, graphics, photography, etc...
Darkthrone, Enthroned, Entombed, Diabolicum, Vlad Tepes, Isengard, Hantaoma, Nokturnal Mortum, Demonic Christ, Belphegor, Endstille, Dark Funeral, Empyrium, Mysticum, Vlad, Wyrd, Nattefrost, Yyrkoon, Satyricon,Balaam, Melvosia, Ancêtres, Astaarth, Belenos, Carnival in Coal, Hocico, Tactical Sekt, Tamtrum, Collection d'arnell-andrea, The Birthday Massacre, Monolith, Suicide Commando, Punish Yourself, Die Form,etc......
Land of the Dead, Shaun of the Dead, the Hills have eyes, Dawn of the dead, Virgin Suicide, May, etc....
Fuck your TV!