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Big Daddy Liberty

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

I consider myself an amalgamation of everything I've done, everyone I've met, everything I've seen, heard and read, everything I've ever felt and desired, anyone that's ever loved or hated me, and everything I've ever dreamed. I am the clay that has so many colors to it, that no one color is recognizable any more. I hope one day, the future is a homogenous mixture of people so much so that the same holds true for humanity. That is, to hurt a person is to hurt ones self, yet to love ones self is to love another. I think it's possible, so long as everyone desires to make it his or her reality. I'm a vegetarian of around 15 years too, though you might not know it looking at me. Good thing Twix bars aren't made of beef :)

My Interests

So many interests... Peace (or at least indifference) across the world, a true free-market, sci-fi, music, art, poetry, politics, debate, thinking quietly, kissing a beautiful woman, reading, writing, painting, sketching, philosophy, hockey (watching and playing), Luthiery (building strung instruments), computers, science, having my back scratched (and scratching someone's back), UFO's, future technology, inventing, cooking (and feeding), electronics, teaching, making electronic guitar effect pedals, a complete and utter lack of a federal government (states rights and self reliance being key here), and this game (but make no mistake, I love cats): Kitten Cannon

I'd like to meet:

Ron Paul, Copernicus, Ben Franklin, Einstein, Gene Simmons, Socrates, Thomas Jefferson, Les Paul, Stephen Colbert, Leonardo DaVinci, Michaelangelo, Neil Pert, Randy Rhoads, Keith Olbermann, Ayn Rand, Plato, Stephanie Miller, Grandmaster Hatsumi Sensai, Miyamoto Musashi, God, The Devil (and not through traditional means), every dead relative it took to get me here from the last 200 years, and myself 40 years from now. I would like to be the first person to make positive, provable contact with extraterrestrial or extradimensional beings, but not if it involves me waking up on a lab table with 12 of them sticking things in me while a terrible screaming emanates from an out of sight room. That's just asking for a massive coronary arrest. It never helps.


I was born a metal-head, however with maturity, I've grown to appreciate many forms of music, from classical to esoteric. I'll listen to most anything but rap, though I do respect it's ability to sell.Click on the two dots for sheer insanity! ..b


Anything funny or Sci-Fi. If i'm going out to be entertained, I don't want to be horrified or made to cry. I want to laugh, or find myself captivated with good Sci-Fi/Fantasy. Life can be horrifying or sad enough, and I don't need reminders. V for Vendetta is probably one of my all-time favorites, though.


Not a big TV fan, but I like 24, Mythbusters, The Family Guy, Iron Chef, and Heroes. I also like shows where they knock a house down and rebuild it, or do the same to a car. I like to see how happy people are when they see their new home. I like Woodshop shows, too. I enjoy watching a master craftsman create something beautiful out of essentially nothing.


Septuaginarian Stew by Charles Bukowski. Issac Asimov's Big Book of Facts. The entire series of Spectrum: Contemporary Art books. The Skystone series by Jack Whyte. Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi. The Watchmen and V for Vendetta by Alan Moore. Testament:The Life and Art of Frank Frazetta. Timothy Zahn's Hier To the Empire series. Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. Any fantasy art book. Anthem by Ayn Rand. The Big Book of (enter title here). I love book stores. I could sit in Barnes and Nobles all day and read.


I would have to say my father. He's not perfect, but he strives to be, where most people don't. He is the kind of person that, were I not his progeny, I would want to be my friend. I also care very much for my step-mother Donna.
you are Superman Superman 85% Spider-Man 70% Green Lantern 70% Robin 65% Hulk 60% Supergirl 55% Batman 50% The Flash 45% Wonder Woman 40% Iron Man 40% Catwoman 30% You are mild-mannered, good,
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My Blog

Darrens Vegetarian Lime Chili

For those of you who have had it, and those of you that would like to try:Darren's Vegetarian Lime Chili (serves my fat ass, or two normal human beings).Unless otherwise stated, all ingredients are or...
Posted by Big Daddy Liberty on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 10:48:00 PST

Do You Know What A Sacrifice Is?

Cut off your hand. Go ahead, cut it off. Whichever, it matters not. Decide which hand you no longer want, and with a good saw, cut it straight off. Tie off your arm at the wrist so you don’t ble...
Posted by Big Daddy Liberty on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 12:55:00 PST

It Starts With Truckers

I’m for the first time able to see the beginning of the end taking shape, and in a place I would not have noticed were it not for having a friend right in the thick of the problem.i usually don&...
Posted by Big Daddy Liberty on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 12:05:00 PST

The End Of a Constitutional America

Well, I knew this was coming. In what was to become Nazi Germany, after Hitler was elected Chancellor, one of the first things he did was to establish that people did not have a right to own weapons,...
Posted by Big Daddy Liberty on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 09:06:00 PST

The Police State

The following is a blog post I picked up from the Von Mises Institute regarding the Elliot Spitzer incident that has recently made the news. For those of you not familiar with it, Elliot Spitzer was ...
Posted by Big Daddy Liberty on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 11:14:00 PST

The Aptera

And a big Fuck You goes out to all my homies at the oil companies who will try but fail to stop this vehicles production in 2008-2009.I give you the 300mpg Aptera, available as a full electric or hyb...
Posted by Big Daddy Liberty on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 09:33:00 PST

Im So Bored...

I don't get out much. I'm not really a "party" kind of person. I like kicking back and watching a football or hockey game at home, or maybe going to a raw bar to watch it with a friend or two and a pi...
Posted by Big Daddy Liberty on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 01:30:00 PST

Tonights GOP Debates

Without getting into the details of the debate tonight, Ron Paul finally let go and stood up for himself at certain points of the gathering. He is about as honest as a man can get in politics, and his...
Posted by Big Daddy Liberty on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 10:52:00 PST

Do you know the difference...

...between Freedom and Democracy? I assure you , they are not the same. The following was written by Dr. Ron Paul, who understands the difference, and is exactly why I am voting for him (as well shou...
Posted by Big Daddy Liberty on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 01:49:00 PST

Bad Feeling

I have the bad feeling a precedent is about to be set, and not in a good way. A precedent that will set the tone for how the country will be run in the future by the demagogs who will say anything to ...
Posted by Big Daddy Liberty on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 06:43:00 PST