Most people I'd like to meet have already passed on. Martin Luther, Apostle Paul, Mother Theresa. Some people still alive I'd like to meet?: Gino Geraci, Ravi Zecharias, Bill Fay, Lee Strobel, Dave Crowder, Jars of Clay, and let's not forget.....(dare I say it), Jesus.
My friends section is loaded with my main musical influences. Check em out!!
Passion of the Christ, Back to the Future, a host of other 80's films. A Few Good Men, The Matrix movies, Minority Report, Mission Impossible movies. The new Pirates series is well done. Lord of the Rings is pretty amazing and now King Kong can be added to the list. Peter Jackson is a great director.
I Try not to watch television. I watch football in season and American Idol, although this year's line-up was a let down. Otherwise I'm skeptical of news and the liberal-left media. I think tv is one of the biggest problems in society today. Fathers are portrayed as stupid oafs, women are objectified, and in serious crimes against children, the offender is protected more than the child. We are branded by a by-sell culture which encourages materialism and we are valued by society by how much money we have. Jesus commanded to "love your neighbor just as yourselves." We spend more time trying to keep up with the Jones'.
The Bible. Even though I'm totally convicted by my sins that are spelled out there. It's so full of God that even unbelievers are compelled about His presence. I love Francine Rivers (Mark of the Lion series), Lee Strobel and The Case for Christ, CS Lewis and Mere Christianity, JR Tolkien and the Narnia books just to name a few...
Jesus and anyone who obeys and follows Him.